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Ossetian President pinned down

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  • Ossetian President pinned down

    Ossetian President pinned down

    Pravda, Russia
    Sept 9 2004

    Last weekend the streets of Beslan were full of military and the

    The authorities are making precautions not to allow bloody vendetta
    in the North Caucasus region. The situation is serious indeed.

    The relatives of the dead request the names of all the terrorists.
    The special services say that they know the names of the terrorists,
    but are not in a hurry to make the names public. The cause is obvious
    - the memories of the clashes between Ossetians and Ingush in the
    beginning of the 1990s are still alive.

    The people of Ossetia are angry that their official leader, President
    Alexander Dzasokhov was not very noticeable during the hostage
    crisis. From the very beginning, the terrorists requested Dzasokhov
    for negotiations, but the head of the republic restrained from coming
    to Beslan and preferred to communicate with the outer world through
    his press department.

    Later, on September 4, Mr. Dzasokhov issued an address to the
    citizens of Ossetia republic. "I want to apologize to all whose
    home has been struck by grief. I am telling about this as failed
    to safeguard our children, our teachers and our parents", said the
    official and added. "Our grief is immense, but we cannot be divided
    in this hour. The opponents of mutual consent and those willing to
    see our country and the peoples of Caucasus divided, should not be
    given the gift of our conflicts".

    However, the citizens of North Ossetia seemed stopped to believe the
    words of their president. Many thousands of people participated in
    the demonstrations in Ossetian capital Vladikavkaz, demanding the
    republic"s leaders resignation. The organizers of the demonstrations
    say this is just a beginning. Their demonstrations are peaceful now,
    but what if.

    They say, however, that the entire Ossetian people does not want
    Dzasokhov to resign, some "forces" are pushing forward the idea of
    resignation. According to North Ossetia Interior Ministry, an elderly
    man and a middle-aged woman have been seen at the meetings of people
    and officials in Beslan. These two pronounce accusations to the
    authorities, such as, "You killed our children!", and then disappear
    in the crowd. Many people saw them, but none caught them. Probably,
    they are just phantoms of people"s imagination.

    Kommersant reporter who was at the demonstration in Vladikavkaz,
    heard as a young Ossetian called for driving all the Ingush out of
    the republic. "Those who will refuse to leave, should be destroyed.
    Then we should deal with Jews. Then with Armenians. Then with
    Chechens. And separate ourselves from Russia. There is no other way".

    However, even considering that somebody is influencing the North
    Ossetian people on purpose, the threat of chaos and massacre is very
    serious. Last Sunday thousands of Ossetian people tried to attack the
    Ingush in the households of Prigorodny neighborhood of Vladikavkaz.
    The authorities hardly prevented massacre, the police persuaded the
    men to go home.

    P.S. The clashes between Ossetians and Ingush became the first hot spot
    in North Caucasus region. The conflict was caused by the dispute over
    the territory of Prigorodny district of Vladikavkaz which had always
    been considered as Ingush"s. In 1944 the charges of collaboration with
    fascist Germany were brought against Chechen-Ingush republic. Local
    people were deported, and Prigorodny district was given to North
    Ossetia. In 1957, the repressed peoples were rehabilitated. However,
    the authorities did not return Prigorodny district to Ingush, the
    Ingush were given a part of Stavropol region instead. After the
    break-up of the USSR, Chechnya and Ingushetia separated themselves,
    and Chechnya took over the former part of Stavropol region.

    Until December 1992, no presence of Russian authorities was seen in
    the Caucasus republics. Ingush leaders were quick to take advantage
    of this, provided that the first elections of local authorities
    were scheduled in the republic for October 1992. Simultaneously, in
    North Ossetia paramilitary units started being formed - so called
    "republican guard" and "people"s militia". On October 31, 1992
    Ingush military units started advancing to Prigorodny district. As
    a response, North Ossetian people"s militia backed by the units from
    South Ossetia, conducted bigger massacre of the Ingush. The clashes
    lasted for several days until Russian military interfered. Today both
    the Ossetians and Ingush try to prove that the disputable territory
    is theirs, organize demonstrations and so on.

    Today, the key issues of the conflict are: the Ingush people return
    to their previous places of residence in North Ossetia and the
    status of Prigorodny district. For North Ossetian authorities,
    the pressing issues are the status of migrants, their return in
    Prigorodny district and Vladikavkaz, and arranging negotiations on
    the status of Prigorodny district. The federal authorities pursue the
    policy of finding compromise between Ossetia and Ingushetia, which
    is difficult to do because of different interpretations of the law
    "On Repressed Peoples", and the legislations of both the republics
    which limit possible compromises. After electing Murat Zyazikov the
    President of Ingushetia, the trend for compromise between the two
    republics has been clearly seen.

    Yegor Belous