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BAKU: Azeri TV says Armenian officers' visit undermines statesoverei

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  • BAKU: Azeri TV says Armenian officers' visit undermines statesoverei

    Azeri TV says Armenian officers' visit undermines state sovereignty

    ANS TV, Baku
    5 Sep 04

    The Azerbaijani commercial TV station ANS has lashed out at
    the government for not putting up "serious resistance" to NATO's
    pressure to host Armenian officers at the upcoming exercises on 13-26
    September. In its weekly analytical programme, ANS editor in chief
    Mirsahin said that "thousands of Azeris will probably meet them, not to
    welcome, but to prevent this visit". Speaking about the West's stance
    on this issue, he said that "Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia do not
    exist for NATO as independent states, there is the South Caucasus
    state". Describing TV's position as a call to nearly wage a war,
    Mirsahin spoke about the possibility of a wider action of protest
    by media outlets which could suspend "their activity on a long-term
    basis". The following is an excerpt from report by Azerbaijani TV
    station ANS on 5 September:

    [Presenter Mirsahin] There are no people in Azerbaijan who demand
    Armenians' withdrawal from the occupied lands in exchange for hostages'
    lives. That is good. Azerbaijan has [leader of the Karabakh Liberation
    Organization] Akif Nagi, but he and his team are already in jail.

    A new political season has started. The authorities began this season
    with the old team with the exception of a few replacements. National
    Security Minister Namiq Abbasov has been ousted from the team, while
    the well-forgotten member of the old team [ex-Foreign Minister] Hasan
    Hasanov and relatively-forgotten [former ambassador to China] Tamerlan
    Qarayev have been returned to the old team [appointed ambassadors to
    Hungary and India, respectively]. Describing this as a move towards
    national reconciliation, the president has called for an end to enmity
    and malice. Here we should emphasize that Mr Aliyev's proposal is
    not new. The head of state has made three initiatives of this kind to
    society since last September. We hope that the president's proposal
    will make an interesting turn in the political season.

    As far as the opposition is concerned, it is quite weak in the
    beginning of the new academic year. One could also describe the
    situation in this camp after the presidential elections [15 October
    2003] as a loss of balance. From this viewpoint, the summer was
    favourable for the authorities' opponents: a few round tables, a few
    interviews and a few statements of local importance. This is a result
    of the traditional opposition's activity in summer that could not be
    described as a danger for the incumbent authorities.

    There is another interesting point here. Given the weakening of
    the traditional opposition, the establishment of a new opposition
    movement is gaining momentum. An idea that unites the new opposition
    has to do with Azerbaijan's vital problem, that is the restoration of
    its territorial integrity. That is why, the entire nation and every
    citizen fully and unanimously accept it. For this reason, this new
    movement could be more dangerous for the authorities. This movement
    is not without prospects although at first glance its leaders look
    unpopular and the movement itself seems to be not serious.

    The recent processes around the Karabakh Liberation Organization
    have proved that any Azerbaijani political organization can gain
    political dividends from this problem and take a place in the nation's
    heart. Let us analyse. What has happened in reality? [Passage omitted:
    Reported details of protest against Armenian officers' attendance at
    Baku-hosted NATO seminar in June; court ruling against the protesters
    was too harsh.]

    This court ruling was not accidental. There were factors which made
    this verdict necessary. First of all, mass indifference. In other
    words, the authorities have received carte blanche to do what they
    liked. Then came Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov's
    extremely cold-blooded statement.

    [Azimov speaking to journalists] The arrival of two or three men is
    not our defeat at all. But if we do not let them in, this is not our
    victory either.

    [Presenter] Then came Baku mayor Hacibala Abutalibov's refusal
    to authorize [anti-Armenian protests]. Then came [deputy chief of
    Baku's Yasamal district police department who was active dispersing
    anti-Armenian protesters] Cingiz Mammadov's club. [Video shows Cingiz
    Mammadov brutally beating up a protester.]

    Finally, Cingiz Mammadov's protection at the ministerial level.

    [Ramil Usubov, Azerbaijani Interior Minister, speaking to journalists]
    I believe that Cingiz Mammadov is too harsh on himself. At the same
    time, when he is on duty, he always tries to fulfil his duties. What
    people say about him is defamation.

    [Presenter] It is interesting, how many years in prison [judge]
    Famil Nasibov, [prosecutors] Basir Haciyev and Tofiq Humbatov,
    who have sentenced an Azerbaijani to three-five years in prison for
    breaking a window of Avropa Hotel [NATO seminar venue], could give
    to [Azerbaijani officer] Ramil Safarov who has been arrested and
    charged with killing an Armenian officer in Hungary? Perhaps, capital
    punishment or life sentence. This court ruling openly demonstrated
    that the Azerbaijani court system is not independent and it even can
    pass verdicts which are against Azerbaijan's national interests. But
    this already goes beyond all bounds, this oversteps the limits of a
    crisis in the court system or this is a logical end of the situation
    when the court system is based on telephone calls and orders.

    All this should be probably and mostly about the fact that these
    tendencies pose an extremely serious threat to Azerbaijan's
    independence. It is possible that one day NATO or the OSCE could
    do anything in Azerbaijan against its people's will. Not one, but
    100,000 Armenians could come to Azerbaijan under the aegis of these
    organizations. But we, the owners of this land, have to continue
    grazing calmly. Sorry, this country is not a pasture. It used to
    be a land of fire. When making the following statement, the head of
    Azerbaijan, where interests of the USA, Russia and Iran are present,
    perhaps wants to explain this.

    [Ilham Aliyev, speaking to journalists] If you look at other
    former Soviet republics, you can see that most of them have limited
    opportunities to conduct an independent policy. There are different
    factors here: political, geographical, economic and others. But
    Azerbaijan lives as a fully independent state. This independence is
    our priority.

    [Presenter] True, what Azerbaijan has done for the West exceeds
    what the West has done for Azerbaijan because when Azerbaijan does
    something for the West, it does this precisely for the West. But when
    the West does something for Azerbaijan, it does this precisely for the
    West. Azerbaijan has sent its soldiers and officers to Afghanistan
    and Iraq probably because it wants them to enter Nagornyy Karabakh
    some time. But this is not happening yet. In the meantime, Nagornyy
    Karabakh has been establishing its orchestra. Russia again plays
    the first fiddle in this orchestra. The Armenian prime minister
    congratulates the leadership of the separatist regime in Nagornyy
    Karabakh on the occasion of another anniversary of this rebellious
    entity's independence, to be more precise, another year of the talks
    [as heard].

    The West is already inviting the Armenians not only to Baku hotels,
    but to military grounds to conduct joint exercises. This is because
    Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia do not exist for NATO as independent
    states, there is the South Caucasus state. From NATO's viewpoint,
    there is a conflict between ethnic Azeris and ethnic Armenians. It
    is beneficial to settle it without a headache. That is why, they
    have been preparing to send another group of the Armenian military to
    Azerbaijan. Thus, if nothing extraordinary occurs in the nation's gene
    within one week, representatives of the Armenian Defence Ministry
    will come to Baku on 12 September to take part in the exercises
    in Azerbaijan.

    On the eve of this visit, which damages our state independence,
    Azerbaijani media outlets have signed a joint statement of protest. The
    ANS Media & Broadcasting Corporation suspended its broadcasts for
    three hours. The overwhelming majority of the country's newspapers
    and news agencies joined this protest and published blank front pages
    on Saturday [4 September]. But this is only the beginning. If the
    Armenian military are allowed to visit Baku, the media protest will
    expand depending on the course of events and this will result in
    suspension of their activities on a long-term basis. In any case,
    this is a serious warning to the authorities which do not put up
    serious resistance to NATO's pressure and, in doing so, damage state
    sovereignty. But if there is no another way out, you should hang
    yourself. [Passage omitted: ANS was not always against peace talks.]

    We tell you this because we have realized that talking to the Armenians
    is idle talk before our president and foreign minister realize
    this. That is why, now ANS is nearly openly calling on the nation
    to wage a war. We recall all this also because we want that those
    who paint ANS as almost racists, understand our current position as
    a conclusion. It is not a coincidence that Armenian fugitives Artur
    Apresyan and Roman Teryan have come to ANS. Probably because we are
    not racists.

    But now we are talking about the state's influence and national
    pride. After shame in Xocali and Susa, Kalbacar and Fuzuli, Agdam and
    Zangilan, Qubadli and Lacin [occupied districts] we have repeatedly
    said that time of revenge for this blood will come. This blood has
    been spilt. But if the Armenians come to Baku now, thousands of
    Azeris will probably meet them, not to welcome, but to prevent this
    visit. For the time being, the Armenians are on one side and Baku on
    the other. If anyone does not agree with this, let them send their
    sisters to welcome the Armenian military with salt and bread.