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BAKU: Discontent grows after harsh sentence

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  • BAKU: Discontent grows after harsh sentence

    Discontent grows after harsh sentence

    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    Sept 9 2004

    The Nasimi district court's ruling which sentenced six members of the
    Garabagh Liberation Organization (GLO), including its leader, to 3 to
    5 years in prison following protests on June 22 against the Armenian
    officers' visit, has sparked public outcry. President Ilham Aliyev
    told journalists during his visit to

    Nakhchivan that he was concerned over the ruling of the pressure
    group members. "As President, I cannot interfere with the court
    ruling. However, as a citizen, I am concerned over the sentence and
    believe that it is too harsh for their actions," Aliyev said.
    President Aliyev recommended to forward the case to the Court of
    Appeals and expressed a hope that the ruling would be reconsidered.

    He added that everyone should be 'equal before the law' and that
    there is no need to overstate the activity of any particular
    organization or idealize anyone. MPs also expressed their concerns
    over the imprisonment sentence at the parliament's fall session which
    started on Wednesday. Zahid Oruj said that in issuing a ruling on
    imprisonment, the judge disregarded the fact that the Azerbaijani
    lands are currently under occupation and called on the parliament not
    to remain indifferent to the matter. Jahangir Huseynov underlined
    that 20 MPs have sent an inquiry to the Prosecutor General concerning
    the arrest of the GLO members, but have not received a reply yet. He
    also termed two of the three charges against the radical group
    members as unlawful. Zeynab Khanlarova, in her turn, demanded to
    release the detainees and called on her colleagues to speak out on
    the issue. "I also protested against the arrival of Armenians in
    Baku," said Speaker Alasgarov, underlining that the parliament has no
    authority to express a position on court rulings. MP Ali Karimli,
    chairman of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) regarded the
    sentence as an insult on those who love Garabagh and fought for its
    liberation. The PFPA will continue struggle for the release of the
    detainees, he added. A number of intellectuals and politicians, in
    their interviews with TV channels and press, regarded the
    apprehension of the GLO members as disrespect to the public.

    The GLO has forwarded the case to the Court of Appeals against the
    verdict issued by the Nasimi district court on the organization's
    members. The document says that the verdict is biased and the GLO
    members must be released. The radical group members are charged with
    breaking into the conference hall, disturbing a NATO conference at
    the Europe Hotel, blocking the Tbilisi Avenue and clashing with

    Ban not to hurt relations with NATO In the wake of the mentioned
    sentence, the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) hosted a
    roundtable, "Repressions against those who care for Garabagh and
    public opinion", on Friday. The party chairman Ali Karimli condemned
    the arrest of the GLO members and said that allowing Armenian
    officers to visit Azerbaijan represents a policy of surrender. He
    stated that Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan is not creating
    any hurdles for this country's cooperation with NATO and that
    forbidding the Armenian officers' visit to Baku would not hurt the
    NATO-Azerbaijan relations either. Karimli further demanded the
    government to put end to such a policy and not to interact with
    Armenia in any way until Azerbaijan's occupied territories are
    liberated. The PFPA chairman also demanded to ban the visit of
    Armenian officers to Baku and release the imprisoned GLO members. He
    added that it was important for local media to express a common
    national position on the issue.