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Speech Of President Of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev

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  • Speech Of President Of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev


    September 11, 2004

    Dear ladies and gentlemen,

    Dear friends,

    Thank you for greeting me so warmly.

    We met here before the elections. It was the eve of the presidential
    elections. I gave my word to you, to the whole Azerbaijani people
    that I would follow the Heydar Aliyevâ^À^Ùs path, continue his
    policy if given vote of confidence. I can say Azerbaijan has been
    successfully developing in all spheres since the elections. Our
    foreign policy is also successful. Azerbaijan has strengthened its
    relations with international organizations, and taken firmer positions
    in the international arena. We maintain effective relations with large
    states in bilateral format. This allows us to express our stance more
    resolutely in international community.

    Processes taking place inland are also quite positive. As you can see,
    the adoption of the Program of socio-economic development has given a
    new impetus to economic growth in Azerbaijan. The number of new jobs
    is rapidly increasing, I can say about 70 thousand jobs have been
    opened lately, 50 thousand of which are permanent. Our achievements
    in all other spheres are obvious, as well.

    Socio-political stability are ensured in the country, everybody
    shows unity, all of us have been trying and will continue to try to
    do our best for resolution of the Azerbaijanâ^À^Ùs hardest problem,
    the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    When staying here last year I promised that improvement of refugees and
    IDPs living conditions would be a priority direction of my activity. We
    must improve that before the day our lands are liberated. Corresponding
    decrees and orders have been issued to this end; as you know, new
    modern houses, settlements will be built. I gave the word that no
    encampment will remain in Azerbaijan, new modern buildings, settlement,
    schools, hospitals will be built instead.

    Last year I attended the opening of a large settlement in Bilasuval
    province. The refugees, IDPs, our brothers and sisters placed there
    are now provided with new conditions, new infrastructure. Our goal is
    that every citizen of Azerbaijan to live better every year. Of course,
    these conditions should be first of all provided to those living in
    hardest conditions.

    The State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan set aside funds to erect new
    settlements. It is of course a temporary measures. We are sure that
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan will be restored and the land
    of Karabakh will be liberated of the occupants. A great job is being
    done in this direction, as well.

    As you know, we want to resolve this issue peacefully. But they
    donâ^À^Ùt want to do so. War is a great evil; the war is a humanitarian
    disaster. Thatâ^À^Ùs why we are striving for peaceful resolution of
    the conflict. Until there is belief in it, we will continue the peace
    talks. If we make sure the peace talks are senseless, then, the people
    of Azerbaijan will unite to release their lands by other means.

    It needs a number of factors, and all of them are present in
    Azerbaijan. The patriotic spirit is very high. I want our young
    generation to be grown up and educated exactly in the spirit of
    patriotism. Everybody is united with authorities; everybody supports
    our politics. This also is one of the remarkable factors.

    Economy is growing in Azerbaijan. Our economic potential increases
    every year. This, fir its part, will permit to achieve more in all
    spheres, in particular Army building. Recently, certain supplements
    have been introduced to the State Budget promoting allocating
    considerably more funds to meet the needs of the Army and defense. It
    will allow us to reinforce and modernize our army to even more extent.

    I face the future very optimistically. I want to see Azerbaijan as
    a wealthy, well-developed and powerful state in several years, and
    will do my best for that. Today, Azerbaijan holds extremely important
    position in the region, it has converted to a leading state here,
    and we are considered. I make no doubt that we will manage to resolve
    our hardest problem putting an end to the Armenian occupation. You
    will be back home, and I will do arrive and be with you.

    Dear friends, want once again to express my respect to you. Many
    years have passed since the refugees and internally displaced people
    have been living under hard conditions. We want to do all possible
    to improve it. We will continue our efforts in this direction. I am
    sure we will meet more frequently.

    I wish you good health, happiness and peace.

    Thank you.