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Minister Oskanian Meets with NATO Secretary General,Discusses NATO B

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  • Minister Oskanian Meets with NATO Secretary General,Discusses NATO B

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia
    Contact: Information Desk
    Tel: (374-1) 52-35-31
    Email: [email protected]

    Minister Oskanian Meets with NATO Secretary General, Discusses NATO Baku

    During a two-day working visit to Brussels, Armeniašs Foreign Minister
    Vartan Oskanian met with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
    on Monday, September 13. The meeting took place just as Azerbaijan
    continued to reject Armenian officersš participation in NATO Best
    Effort Exercises to be held in Baku this week. The Secretary General
    stated NATOšs decision to cancel the exercises if Azerbaijan continued
    to reject the participation of a member state. Minister Oskanian
    welcomed NATOšs principled stance on the matter, regretting this
    missed opportunity for regional cooperation. Armenia, the Minister
    said, remained ready to participate in and host NATO activities.

    The Secretary General stated his satisfaction at Armeniašs level
    of engagement in NATOšs Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, as well
    as Armeniašs recent decision to enter NATOšs Individual Partnership
    Action Plan.

    Minister Oskanian said Armenia welcomes NATOšs Istanbul declaration
    in June to place greater emphasis on cooperation with the Caucasus
    and Central Asia. The Secretary Generalšs appointment of a Special
    Representative to the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as a Liaison
    Officer in the three countries of the Caucasus is certain to strengthen
    such cooperation, the two agreed. The Minister also said now that the
    first Armenian contingent has returned from Kosovo, Armenia expects to
    continue its participation in KFOR. Armenia looks forward to hosting
    the Euro Atlantic Partnership Councilšs Seminar on Contribution to a
    More Favorable Security Environment thru Public Information, to be held
    in Yerevan this October, as well as the Annual Session of the Atlantic
    Political Advisory Group of the EAPC, also in Yerevan, in April 2005.

    Armeniašs minister briefed the Secretary General on the status of
    the Nagorno Karabakh peace process.

    Minister Oskanian also met with US Ambassador to NATO, Nicholas
    Burns. The two discussed Armeniašs engagement in NATO programs,
    regional security concerns, as well as issues related to conflict
    resolution and confidence building.

    On the same day, the Minister also had meetings scheduled with Belgian
    Foreign Minister Karel de Goucht, as well as the European Union
    Special Representative to the Caucasus, Ambassador Heikki Talvitie.