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After the renewal of his mandate President Lahoud...

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  • After the renewal of his mandate President Lahoud...

    After the renewal of his mandate President Lahoud: â^À^ØYour support, an
    additional responsibility for meâ^À^Ù

    Monday Morning headlines/lb
    13 Sept 04

    It was a parade of well-wishers led by the speaker of Parliament, Nabih
    Berri, who went to Baabda Palace to transmit to the president the good news
    Article 49 of the Constitution had been amended by Parliament to allow an
    extension of the presidential term.
    Standing during four consecutive hours, President Lahoud received the
    congratulations of the countryâ^À^Ùs notables and of ordinary citizens, who had
    come to
    tell him their social and economic difficulties and hope that conditions would
    improve. The president was open to all of them, listening attentively to what
    they had to say.
    The popular delegations, men, women, children and personalities who went to
    the palace did not do so in order to fill the â^À^Ügapâ^À^Ý left by the MPs of
    opposition -- the Democratic Gathering of Walid Jumblatt, Prime Minister Rafik
    Hariri and his parliamentary bloc, and the opposition Maronite MPs.
    Coming from all parts of the country, the well-wishers were pleasantly
    surprised at not being searched at the entrance, according to the usual
    and this on the instructions of the president.
    Michel Murr, in the first rank of the loyalists, was one of the first to
    shake the presidentâ^À^Ùs hand as he led a delegation from the North Metn,
    followed by
    his daughter, Mirna Abou-Sharaf, and his son, Elias Murr, the interior
    Also seen at Baabda: former Prime Minister Salim Hoss, ministers Michel
    Samaha, Asaad Diab, Karim Pakradouni, Karam Karam, Samir Jisr, Assem Kanso,
    Skaff, Michel Moussa, Ali Hassan Khalil, Sebouh Hovnanian, Bahij Tabbara, Ali
    Hassan Abdallah.
    Among the MPs, we cite the names of Ali Osseiran, Samir Azar, Ali Khalil,
    Wajih Baarini, Abdellatif Zein, Anwar Khalil, Antoine Khoury, Salim Saadé,
    Ghassan Ashkar, Hagop Kassarjian, Saleh Kheir, Kassem Hashem, Yassin Jaber,
    Fattoush, Sami Khatib, Ali Bazzi, Robert Ghanem, Mohammad Yahya, Faisal Daoud,
    Jamal Ismaïl, Kabalan Issa el-Khoury, Gebran Tok, Mohsen Dalloul, Mohammad
    Ali el-Meiss, Emile Emile Lahoud, a delegation of the Bloc of Fidelity to the
    Resistance led by MP Mohammad Raad and including MPs Ali Ammar, Mohammad
    Berjawi, Ibrahim Bayan, Hussein el-Hajj Hassan, Georges Najm, Nazih Mansour and
    Massoud el-Hojeiri; as well as MP Antoine Haddad leading a group from the
    League of
    the Haddad Family.
    Former ministers and former MPs were not absent from the gathering, such as
    Georges Corm, Samir Mokbel, Sleiman Traboulsi, Shahé Barsoumian, Fawzi
    Nazih Baydoun...
    Political parties were also represented: the Baath, Tadamon, Tashnak, Amal,
    Kataeb, PSS, Christian Democratic, Arab Progressive, the Cénacle Populaire
    Libanais and a Palestinian delegation led by Ossama Hamdan, head of Hamas in
    Lebanon, leading a delegation of the movement.
    Among the spiritual figures were the Syriac Catholic patriarch, Mar Ignatius
    Peter VIII Abdelahad, leading a delegation of prelates of the community; Mgr.
    Kegham Khacherian and a delegation of the Armenian Orthodox community; the
    Greek Catholic bishops Youssef Kallas and André Haddad; Mgr. Georges Saliba,
    Greek Orthodox bishop of Mount Lebanon; the Rev. Salim Sahyoun, president of
    Evangelical Council of Lebanon and Syria.
    Then too, a delegation of sheikhs from Tripoli and Akkar, in North Lebanon,
    led by Sheikh Taha Sabounji, mufti of Tripoli and the North, and a delegation
    of Druze sheikhs.
    There were also congratulations from mayors and local government officials,
    trade unionists, presidents and members of orders of liberal professions,
    diplomats, judges, senior officials...

    Presidential speech
    Addressing thousands of people who had come to wish him well, President
    Lahoud thanked them for their good will. â^À^ÜThis affectionâ^À^Ý, he said,
    â^À^Üplaces an
    additional responsibility on my shoulders, that of being up to your hopes and
    aspirationsâ^À^Ý. He then called for national reconciliation and the
    participation of
    all Lebanese in the achievement of the countryâ^À^Ùs sovereignty and
    independence, giving priority to the political dialogue â^À^Üso that all sides
    will be able to
    understand the essential problemsâ^À^Ý.