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Analysis: NATO Cancels Planned Maneuvers In Azerbaijan

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  • Analysis: NATO Cancels Planned Maneuvers In Azerbaijan

    Analysis: NATO Cancels Planned Maneuvers In Azerbaijan
    By Liz Fuller


    13 September 2004 -- NATO's Cooperative Best Effort-2004 exercises,
    scheduled to take place on 14-27 September in Azerbaijan, have been
    canceled, according to a NATO press release of 13 September.

    "We regret that the principle of inclusiveness could not be upheld
    in this case," the press release stated, without elaborating. But
    Lieutenant-Colonel Ludger Terbrueggen, who is a spokesman for NATO
    military command, told RFE/RL's Armenian Service the same day that
    "the that Azerbaijan did not grant visas to soldiers and
    officers of Armenia."

    Since January, Baku has sought repeatedly to thwart the
    planned Armenian presence at this year's Cooperative Best Effort
    maneuvers. Three Armenian military officers who tried to travel to Baku
    in early January first from Turkey and then from Georgia to attend
    a planning conference for the maneuvers were prevented from doing
    so. In June, members of the radical Karabakh Liberation Organization
    (QAT) picketed, and then forced their way into, a Baku hotel where
    two Armenian officers were attending a second planning conference
    in preparation for the exercises. Five of those QAT activists were
    arrested and sentenced in late August to between three and five years'
    imprisonment on charges of hooliganism, violating public order, and
    obstructing government officials. Those verdicts triggered protests
    from across the political spectrum, fueling public opposition to the
    Armenians' anticipated arrival.

    In April, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev assured Deputy Commander
    of the U.S. European Command General Charles Wald that there were
    no obstacles to the Armenian participation in the September war
    games. Other visiting U.S. officials also sought to impress on
    Azerbaijan the importance of allowing the Armenian contingent
    to attend. But in recent weeks, the Azerbaijani government has
    made increasingly clear its hostility to the planned Armenian
    participation. On 27 July, the independent ANS TV quoted Deputy
    Foreign Minister Araz Azimov as saying that Baku has stipulated that
    only noncombat personnel -- military journalists, public-relations
    officials, and military doctors -- would be permitted to attend, and
    that the number of Armenian participants would be limited to three. (On
    4 September, however, Armenian Deputy Defense Minister Major General
    Artur Aghabekian said seven Armenian officers would take part in the
    exercises, while the number denied visas by the Azerbaijani Embassy in
    Tbilisi was given as five.)On 10 September, the Azerbaijani parliament
    adopted an appeal to NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer to
    retract the invitation extended to the Armenian side, citing what it
    termed Armenia's aggression and policy of ethnic cleansing.

    The opposition daily "Azadlig" on 10 September quoted Foreign Minister
    Elmar Mammadyarov as saying that Azerbaijan would not grant visas
    to the Armenians. And on 10 September, the Azerbaijani parliament
    adopted an appeal to NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer to
    retract the invitation extended to the Armenian side, citing what
    it termed Armenia's aggression and policy of ethnic cleansing. The
    parliamentarians argued that the presence in Baku of Armenian military
    personnel could aggravate tensions in the region. President Aliyev
    stated while visiting the Barda region on 11 September, "I do not
    want the Armenians to come to Azerbaijan."

    In an apparent last-ditch effort to persuade Baku to abandon its
    obstructionist approach, de Hoop Scheffer summoned Azerbaijani Foreign
    Minister Mammadyarov and his Armenian counterpart Vartan Oskanian to
    Brussels on 13 September for talks. Oskanian subsequently praised the
    NATO decision to call off the exercises, adding at the same time that
    he regrets the "lost opportunity for regional cooperation."

    Armenia hosted the NATO Cooperative Best Effort-2003 exercises,
    in which some 400 troops from 19 countries, including the United
    States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Georgia, and Turkey practiced
    routine peacekeeping exercises. Azerbaijan declined to participate. In
    February 2004, a junior Azerbaijani officer attending a NATO-sponsored
    English language course in Budapest hacked a sleeping Armenian fellow
    student to death with an axe.

    The full impact of Azerbaijan's violation of NATO's "principle of
    inclusiveness" and of NATO's ensuing decision to cancel the planned
    exercises is difficult to predict. The move is likely to corroborate
    many Azerbaijanis' conviction that NATO is guilty of double standards
    and bias toward Armenia. It may also give rise to a certain coolness
    between Brussels and Washington, in light of persistent rumors that the
    United States is considering Azerbaijan as a possible location for a
    rapid-reaction force. Certainly the prediction by one Western analyst
    that "Azerbaijan will enter NATO by 2005," which made headlines in
    the Azerbaijani press in July 2002, now seems somewhat overoptimistic.