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Putin's bid to alter election syst doesn't contradict Constitution

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  • Putin's bid to alter election syst doesn't contradict Constitution

    Putin's bid to alter election syst doesn't contradict Constitution

    Itar-Tass, Russia
    Sept 14 2004

    MOSCOW, September 15 -- President Vladimir Putin's initiative to change
    the system of electing governors does not contradict the Fundamental
    Law, chairman of the committee on constitutional legislation and state
    development under the State Duma lower house of parliament Vladimir
    Pligin said.

    "The introduction of the proportionate election system of Duma
    lawmakers does not contradict the Fundamental Law," Pligin said.

    After the abrogation of direct gubernatorial election, the institute
    of presidential envoys and chief federal inspectors in regions will
    be dissolved, Saratov region governor Dmitry Ayatskov said.

    "If the president recommends the governor, why need presidential
    envoys who dub their functions? The transfer of part of regional
    powers to the federal center in the person of presidential envoys
    was a forced measure," Ayatskov said.

    Ethnic groups of the Kemerovo region backed the presidential
    initiatives aimed at strengthening state power, regional administration
    officials told Itar-Tass.

    Head of the community "Belarus" Mikhail Brilev told a meeting of the
    ethnic groups' leaders that "the election of regional leaders at the
    suggestion by the head of state will strengthen executive power, while
    people, through the Public Chamber, will be able to actively influence
    the preparation and adoption of laws by lawmakers at all levels."

    The people will get a real opportunity to participate in the formation
    of strategy of socio-economic development of certain regions and the
    country as a whole, Brilev said.

    Nar Oganesyan, a representative of the Armenian organization "Urartu"
    called the president's decision to set up the ministry of regional and
    national policies "an effective methods of uniting peoples of Russia."

    The election of governors at the suggestion by the head of state
    may imply alternatives, Penza region governor Vasily Bochkaryov
    said Tuesday.

    "The optimization of the system of governing the country, proposed by
    Putin, will not only help strengthen regional authorities, but also
    combine federalism with an effective power vertical," Bochkaryov said.

    "At present, I associate the system of federalism with three parallel
    runways, along which three planes simultaneously take off, interfering
    with each other," he said.

    Federal, regional and municipal authorities should be not competitors,
    but links of one governance system, he underlined.