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The Problem of Chechnya

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  • The Problem of Chechnya

    The Problem of Chechnya
    European Islam & the Caucasian "War on Terrorism"

    Sept 14 2004

    Europe (Europe proper, the geographer's Europe) is an odd thing,
    curiously shaped and conceptualized since Herodotus invented it as
    the object of Persian invasion 2500 years ago. As the concept grew,
    Europe came to extend from Viking-settled Iceland in the mid-Atlantic
    (to the northwest); to the Iberian peninsula (abutting Africa in the
    southwest); and from the Kara Sea and the upper extremity of the
    Urals (in the northeast), down the mountain range to the Ural River,
    which avoiding all but a small slice of (Asian) Kazakhstan, defines
    Europe to the Caspian Sea. Thence the borderline straddles the
    Caucasus Mountains, from Baku on the Caspian to the Black Sea coast
    and onto the Crimean Peninsula, making the Caucasus the southeastern
    corner of the European continent, at least the European continent of
    the stickler academic. (Some place the Caucasian countries in the
    Middle East as well as Europe, rather like geographers count Vietnam
    alternately as an East Asian and Southeast Asian country.)

    Actually, no Europe makes sense as a "continent," if the latter term
    is to claim any consistency or analytical utility. Europe is not
    surrounded by oceans, as are normal continents (Africa, North
    America, South America, Australia and Antarctica)---and as Asia would
    be if we simply included Europe, as Nietzsche once suggested, "as a
    peninsula of the greater Eurasian super-continent." Continental
    Europe is the invention of people who wanted to be as special, and
    separate as oceans can make you, but lacking the eastern ocean which
    ought to be there to validate continental pretensions. South Asia
    (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh), surrounded by the Indian Ocean
    and Himalayas, could make an equally valid case for continent-hood.
    The concept is ultimately arbitrary.

    But back to the southeastern corner of this imagined Eurocontinent:
    the Caucasus. "Caucasian" is of course often used as a synonym for
    "white" (as in white people), and has been used in that sense since
    pioneer ethnologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, in 1775, pronounced
    Caucasians (supposedly descended from Noah's son Japeth after the Ark
    landed on Mt. Ararat following the Flood) the "most beautiful race of
    menthe primeval type [from which] others divergewhite in color, which
    we may fairly assume to be the primitive color of mankind" But white
    folks flattered by Blumenbach's pseudo-science, and folks in general
    outside the region, have little knowledge of this part of Europe. I
    can think of various reasons why this unawareness is unfortunate:

    (1) the Caucasus is a key site of Russian-U.S. contention concerning
    the construction of oil pipelines from the Caspian oilfields (in
    Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan) to Black Sea and
    Mediterranean ports;

    (2) it is a maze of new, weak nations with vigorous secessionist

    (3) it is a region of centuries-old Muslim communities, from which
    some "Islamic extremist" trends have emerged;

    (4) it has, since the deployment of U.S. forces in the Pankisi Gorge
    of Georgia in 2002, and the announcement of Russian President
    Vladimir Putin around the same time that Chechen rebels are
    al-Qaeda-like terrorists, been posited as a major theater in the "War
    on Terror;" and

    (5) given its record, the U.S. government might do something very
    brutal and very stupid in the region. So one should pay attention. To
    understand "ethnic conflict" in this area in the context of big-power
    rivalry, one should brief oneself on the basics.

    Compare the Balkans

    The Caucasus embraces southern Russia (referring to the zone between
    the Black and Caspian Seas), and the three nations of Georgia,
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. This region is culturally linked to the west
    and north by Orthodox Christianity (kindred Russian, Georgian and
    Armenian varieties), and to the east by Islam (a legacy of past
    encounters between Persians and Turks and the local peoples). In this
    mix the Caucasus resembles the Balkans, where you have one more or
    less Muslim nation (Albania, where religious practice was banned for
    decades but which is officially now 70% Muslim); an
    unusually-constructed Bosnia-Herzegovina in which about 40% of the
    population (not all the Bosniaks) embrace Islam with varying degrees
    of interest; and the de facto NATO protectorate of Kosovo, which is
    about 90% Albanian Muslim. There are also longstanding Muslim
    minorities in Macedonia (29%), Bulgaria (12%) and elsewhere in the
    Balkans. The collapse of the Soviet bloc, the implosion of neutral
    "socialist" Yugoslavia involving catastrophic ethno-religious strife,
    and fall of the idiosyncratic Hoxhaite regime in Albania brought
    Balkan Muslims onto the world stage, as recipients of religious
    proselytization (by Arab "Wahhabis" in particular, backed up by Saudi
    largesse) and as the beneficiaries (at least short term) of US-NATO
    protection against the vilified Serbs and Croatians.

    In the Balkans, Washington postures as the great friend of the Muslim
    Bosnians and Kosovars, although its position is fraught with
    contradictions. U.S. acquiescence to Helmut Kohl's reunited Germany,
    which unlike the U.S. State Department championed an independent
    Slovenia in 1990, contributed to the disastrous dismantling of the
    Yugoslav state. (This produced much ethnic conflict, including what
    some term the "Bosnian holocaust.") The U.S., having labeled the
    Kosovo Liberation Army "terrorists" in 1999, made common cause with
    the Kosovar Albanians against a Serbian foe whose atrocities were
    wantonly exaggerated to justify the bombing of Milocevic's
    Yugoslavia. The Russians meanwhile posture as friends of the Serbs
    and other Slavs aggrieved by Washington policy.

    Across the Black Sea from the Balkans, in the Caucasus, we find
    Armenia, ethnically homogeneous but abetting an Armenian secessionist
    movement within the Armenian-peopled Nagorno-Karabakh region of
    neighboring Azerbaijan. Armenia has occupied 16% of Azeri territory
    since 1994. 94% of the population of Azerbaijan are Azeri, a Muslim
    Turkish people. (That's seven million Muslims, double the number of
    Albanian Muslims; hence if Azerbaijan is in Europe, it is the largest
    European Muslim country.) Fellow Azeris live across the border with
    Georgia; 5.7% of Georgia's 4.69 million people (668,000) live in the
    Adhzaria region. In Abkhazia, in the north along the Black Sea, live
    an additional 85,000 to 100,000 Muslims speaking a Causasian language
    distantly related to Georgian. Altogether 11% of Georgia's population
    (over half a million) is Muslim. About 4% of the population of
    Armenia are Kurds, mostly adherents of the Yezidi faith, which
    reveres the Prophet Mohammed but is not commonly regarded as an
    Islamic sect. So within the southern Caucasus, we have Azerbaijan,
    Adhzaria, and Abkhazia as Muslim zones. In the northern (Russian)
    Caucasus, we have in addition, lined up westward from the Caspian
    coast, Daghestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia, three republics in the
    Russian Federation with predominantly Muslim populations. Daghestan
    has about two and a half million people, of whom at least 90% are
    Muslim. There aren't good current figures for Chechnya and
    Ingushetia, but in 1989, when they were united in the Chechen-Ingush
    Autonomous Republic, there were 735,000 Muslim Chechens and 164,000
    Muslim Ingush, together 71% of the republic's population (the rest
    being mostly Russian).

    Bordering Ingushetia is North Ossetia, a predominantly (80%)
    Christian republic in the Russian Federation, with an Ingush
    minority. (Among the ethnic Ossetians themselves, some 20% practice
    Sunni Islam.) Then to the west, bordering Georgia, are the
    predominantly Muslim republics of Kabardino-Balkaria (Kabardins
    mostly Sunni Muslims, Balkarians mostly Orthodox Christian) and
    Karachayevo-Cherkessia, whose Muslim populations together number
    maybe a million. In other words, in the Caucasus you have in addition
    to the seven or eight million Azeri Muslims, four or five million
    other Muslims, living in historically Muslim districts in the
    Christian-majority behemoth that is Russia, and in the ancient
    Christian land of Georgia.

    Some of these Muslims, since the breakup of the Soviet Union, have
    become involved in violent secessionist movements. Moscow and Tblisi,
    who have differences between themselves, have both become inclined
    since 9-11 to depict their response to such movements as
    counter-terrorist in character, to represent the secessionists as
    ideological soul-mates of al-Qaeda, and to manipulate the "War on
    Terror" paradigm to justify their repressive measures and to even
    threaten "pre-emptive" actions. Putin like Bush vows to strike at
    terrorists "wherever they may be" (which might mean, say, striking at
    Chechens in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia). Thus in the Caucasus, the
    implosion of the USSR, like the implosion of Yugoslavia in the
    Balkans, produces a welter of nationalist strivings, coupled with
    long-dormant religious sensibilities, that both the hyperpuissance
    U.S. and the weakened regional hegemon Russia seek to exploit. They
    do so now in the context of Bush's eternal war project, which
    exploits anti-Islamic sentiment in the U.S. (drawing especially on
    the most ignorant varieties of Christian fundamentalist intolerance),
    even as the administration insists before the global audience that
    the U.S. respects Islam as "a religion of peace." Putin, powerless to
    prevent the U.S.'s projection of power into formerly Soviet territory
    from Central Asia to Georgia, applies an "If you can't beat 'em, join
    'em" policy, depicting his own measures against unruly Muslims in
    Russia as part of the global Terror War.


    Of Muslims seeking independence from Russia, the Chechens receive the
    most attention. Their secessionist movement has been the bloodiest in
    the region, and exacted a most grotesque toll on Russians, in
    particular, from the Caucasus to Moscow. The small Chechen homeland
    has had a very bad press, internationally, and most Americans who've
    heard of Chechnya no doubt by this point associate its people with
    Islamic terrorism. The recent school hostage episode in Beslan, in
    Russia's North Ossetia, presented the world with the most nightmarish
    spectacle: a school commandeered, children specifically targeted,
    seized, terrified, shot in the back as they attempted to escape.
    About 330 Christians, half of them kids, killed by Muslims from
    Chechya, and the adjoining Muslim republic of Ingushetia, and (if one
    believes an early Russian report uncorroborated by reporters) Muslim
    Arabs. (I seriously doubt any Arab participation, simply because it
    too obviously serves Putin's wish to depict his repression of the
    Chechen independence movement as part of the global Bush-war project
    targeting Arabs.) Anyway, a horrible, unforgivable scenario, which
    some may see as Russia's 9-11.

    One might suppose that, as Putin seeks to link Chechen rebels to
    al-Qaeda, the U.S. would support the Russian leader in his moves
    against Chechen separatism, rather as it endorses every single move
    the Likud regime in Israel takes against the cause of the
    Palestinians (a "terrorist" cause to the Likudists in the Bush
    administration), or that President Arroyo in the Philippines takes
    against the Moro. But no, not quite. Just as Washington found it
    useful to validate Bosnian and Kosovar nationalism in the Balkans
    (entrenching its expanding NATO-self into what was once proudly
    non-aligned European territory), so it has (under the Clinton and
    Bush administrations alike) found it useful to promote Muslim
    separatisms in southern Russia, to better destabilize the Russian
    Federation. Why? Because Russia seeks to thwart U.S. oil pipeline
    ambitions and the U.S.'s general pursuit of geopolitical advantage in
    the Caucasus. Ruling circles in both the U.S. and Russia are acting
    rationally in pursuit of their ends. Those anti-people ends are the

    As the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, Chechens, having resented
    Russian domination for a century and a half, under the leadership of
    air force general Dzhokar Dudayev declared independence. Russian President
    Boris Yeltsin refused to grant this, and Russian forces invaded in
    1994 to reestablish central government authority. The invasion met
    with fierce resistance, prompting a withdrawal in 1996 and a peace
    agreement in 1997. A new Chechen government, headed by Aslan
    Maskhadov, failed to acquire international recognition, or to contain
    rampant crime, corruption, and warlordism. "Islamic extremism"
    flourished and spread into neighboring Ingushetia and elsewhere. In
    October 1992, Ingush militias clashed with Russian-backed North
    Ossetian security forces, paramilitaries and army troops in the
    disputed region of Prigorodnyi. This is 978 square kilometers of
    once-Ingush land given North Ossetia during the Stalin years. This
    land dispute is at the heart of Christian Ossetian-Muslim Ingush
    animosity, and the Ingush and Chechens, whose languages are mutually
    comprehensible, identify with one anothers' struggles. (The Beslan
    school seizure was a joint operation involving Chechens and Ingush

    Thousands of Ingush homes were destroyed in 1992, and the bulk of the
    Ingush population in North Ossetia (46,000 by official Russian count)
    displaced. Complicating matters, South Ossetia, in the Republic of
    Georgia, attempted to succeed from Georgia and unite with North
    Ossetia. In response, the new Georgian government sent in troops,
    leveling 100 Ossetian villages and producing 100,000 refugees, many
    of whom wound up in Prigordnyi, seizing Ingush homes. (Tit for tat,
    Moscow tilted towards Abkhazia as fighting there killed 16,000 and
    drove 300,000 ethnic Georgians from their homes.)

    Following bombings in North Ossetia that killed 53, an attack on a
    Russian military barracks in Daghestan, and the bombing of two Moscow
    apartment buildings in1999 that killed over 300, the government of
    President Putin resumed the war with Chechnya, forcing Maskhadov
    underground. Moscow blamed Chechens for the Moscow attacks, although
    rebel leader Shamil Basayev disclaimed responsibility, and skeptics
    claim the attacks were staged to justify renewed Russian
    intervention. When Putin succeeded Yeltsin as Russian president on
    December 31, 1999, his military was bogged down in an unwinnable
    guerrilla war in Chechnya, and cutting its losses, the Putin
    administration simply proclaimed victory, turning over power to a
    Chechen puppet (recently assassinated) in 2002. Russian troops
    remain, harassed by forces loyal to Basayev, whom Moscow says it
    knows "for certain" was behind the Beslan school attack. (A Russian
    daily has claimed that in a message signed by Basayev, he demanded an
    end to the war in Chechnya, the withdrawal of Russian troops,
    autonomy for Chechnya within the Commonwealth of Independent States,
    Chechnya's continued inclusion in the ruble zone, and CIS
    peacekeepers for the region.) Some of Basayev's forces, Moscow
    claims, operate out of bases in Georgia, and since 2002 Russia has
    threatened to take action against Chechen militants in that country.
    Washington warns against this.

    The Neocons' Role

    For over a decade, U.S. policy has been to criticize Russian actions
    against Chechen and Ingush rebels, while discouraging Russian support
    for all three separatist movements in Georgia. In 1999, many key
    players in the current administration formed an "American Committee
    for Peace in Chechnya" (ACPC), whose membership roster includes
    omnipresent neocon operator Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth
    Adelman, Elliot Cohen, Midge Decter, Frank Gaffney, Glen Howard,
    Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Michael Ledeen, Bruce Jackson, James
    Woolsey, and Caspar Weinberger. Since 9-11, while insisting on
    al-Qaeda links to Muslim terrorism everywhere else (from the
    Philippines to Palestine), they have pronounced any Chechen-al-Qaeda
    link "overstated." ACPC has successfully campaigned for the U.S. to
    provide political asylum to Ilyas Akhmadov, foreign minister in
    Maskhadov's toppled regime and considered a terrorist by Moscow. Bush
    policy was expressed by Steven Pifer, deputy assistant secretary of
    state for European and Eurasian affairs, in an appearance before the
    Congressional Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe in
    2003: "[We] do not share the Russian assessment that the Chechen
    conflict is simply and solely a counterterrorism effort. . . . While
    there are terrorist elements fighting in Chechnya, we do not agree
    that all separatists can be equated as terrorists." According to John
    Laughland in the Guardian (Sept. 8), "US pressure will now increase
    on Moscow to achieve a political, rather than military, solution - in
    other words to negotiate with terrorists, a policy the US resolutely
    rejects elsewhere." Putin's Chechnya war, that is to say, is not, as
    the Russian leader wants to paint it, part and parcel of the global
    War on Terrorism initially focused on al-Qaeda. It is an ongoing
    statement of Russia's still-brutal, dictatorial character, and hence
    an encouragement for the Caucasian nations to strengthen ties with
    the U.S.

    While seeking regime change throughout the Muslim Middle East,
    inventing facts to achieve that end, the Bush administration (pleased
    with the new U.S.-educated president Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia,
    which it helped place in power; pleased to have military forces
    training troops in Azerbaijan; grateful to Armenia for its 50 troops
    in Iraq; planning on bringing these all into NATO) wants the status
    quo in the southern Caucasus (except for the remaining Russian bases
    in Georgia, which it wants to replace with its own). It also desires
    the advance of Muslim separatism in the northern (Russian) Caucasus.
    Should southern Russia decompose into a series of small, weak nations
    (from Daghestan to Karachayevo-Cherkessia), this part of Muslim
    Europe will fall firmly into the U.S. lap, terrorizing nobody and
    happily cooperating with U.S. energy corporations. This, at least, is
    the neocon hope, which is why they so embrace, even after the Beslan
    attack, what they imagine to be the Chechen cause. Meanwhile Moscow,
    repressing Muslim separatism at home, courts Muslim separatists in
    Georgia's Adzharia and Abhkazia. Thus the main issue in the Caucasus
    is not Islam, or Chechen terrorism, but geopolitical control, with
    the U.S. and Russia competing to depict their competition as a War on

    To this the world should simply say, with Bertolt Brecht, "The valley
    to the waterers, that it yield fruit." (Caucasian Chalk Circle, Act

    Gary Leupp is Professor of History at Tufts University, and Adjunct
    Professor of Comparative Religion. He is the author of Servants,
    Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa Japan; Male
    Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and
    Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women,
    1543-1900. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's merciless
    chronicle of the wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, Imperial

    He can be reached at: [email protected]