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AUA Law Department Plays Los Angeles

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  • AUA Law Department Plays Los Angeles


    September 14, 2004

    American University of Armenia Corporation
    300 Lakeside Drive, 4th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94612
    Telephone: (510) 987-9452
    Fax: (510) 208-3576

    Contact: Gohar Momjian
    E-mail: [email protected]


    A standing-room-only crowd of almost 100 people were in attendance in
    Pasadena, California, on August 20, as the Armenian Professional Society
    presented a program entitled: "Current Issues in Armenia: Report from the
    American University of Armenia Law Department." Half-the-world away from
    Yerevan, four members of the AUA administration were in Pasadena for the
    event, which was generally acclaimed as a resounding success.

    The program began with a thorough report on the current status of AUA by Dr.
    Haroutune K. Armenian, President of AUA. Dr. Armenian spoke of many sides
    of AUA, including its plans for expanding its role in international
    education and its application for accreditation by the Western Association
    of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

    The Law Department's two resident professors then spoke on how things are in
    Armenia with respect to two social and legal problems. Associate Dean
    Matthew Karanian spoke of Armenia's environmental problems, including the
    risk to Lake Sevan, and of the difference between the relevant law as
    written and as applied on the ground.

    Sara J. Anjargolian, Assistant Dean of the Law Department, spoke of the
    status of women in Armenia and the differences in attitude and social
    conventions between Armenian and American women.

    A special guest, Judge (ret.) Aram Serverian of the Superior Court for San
    Mateo County, California, who came from Northern California to attend the
    event, spoke entertainingly of his experience as a visiting professor at
    AUA, his highly favorable impressions of the Law Department students, and of
    the Department's need for financial support.

    There followed a lively session of questions from the audience, followed in
    turn by refreshments, conversations, and financial contributions to AUA.
    The high and enthusiastic interest in AUA shown by the Armenian professional
    community in Los Angeles -- following a similar program presented in San
    Francisco last January by the A.G.B.U. -- may well stimulate future programs
    of this nature.

    The program was coordinated and m.c.'d by Professor Stephen Barnett, Dean of
    the AUA Law Department. It was conceived and developed by Betty
    Jamgotchian, Esq., director of the Armenian Professional Society, together
    with Sara Anjargolian.


    The American University of Armenia is registered as a non-profit educational
    organization in both Armenia and the United States and is affiliated with
    the Regents of the University of California. Receiving major support from
    the AGBU, AUA offers instruction leading to the Masters Degree in eight
    graduate programs. For more information about AUA, visit

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress