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Putin to attend CES, CIS summits in Astana

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  • Putin to attend CES, CIS summits in Astana

    Putin to attend CES, CIS summits in Astana

    ITAR-TASS, Russia
    Sept 15 2004

    MOSCOW, September 15 (Itar-Tass) - Russian President Vladimir Putin
    leaves for Astana on a working visit on Wednesday . He will meet with
    the leaders of the CIS states that are forming a common economic space
    (CES), while on Thursday, he will take part in a broader CIS summit.

    The leaders of the four CES countries -- Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine
    and Belarus -- will first have a narrow-format meeting, and then
    continue their talks together with members of their delegations.

    The four leaders are expected to sign joint documents and give a news
    conference. The main item on the agenda is the discussion of the list
    of 29 first-priority agreements subject to signing, presidential aide
    Sergei Prikhodko told Itar-Tass.

    "The implementation of these documents is expected to create the
    necessary conditions for deepening economic integration and phased
    headway towards free movements of goods, services, capital and labor
    forces within the confines of the four states," Prikhodko noted.

    "An agreement on setting up a commission on trade and tariffs will
    be signed within the framework of the prepared package of documents,
    which is expected to become a single regulating body for the CES
    states," the aide said.

    On Wednesday evening, a tripartite meeting will take place between
    the presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan: Vladimir Putin,
    Robert Kocharyan and Ilkham Aliyev.

    In the course of his working visit to Astana, Putin is likely to hold
    a separate meeting with the summit host: Kazakh President Nursultan