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Armenian, Azeri presidents pleased with CIS talks

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  • Armenian, Azeri presidents pleased with CIS talks

    Armenian, Azeri presidents pleased with CIS talks

    Mediamax news agency
    15 Sep 04

    Yerevan, 15 September: The Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents,
    Robert Kocharyan and Ilham Aliyev, have positively assessed the
    results of their talks that lasted for several hours in Astana today
    [15 September].

    A Mediamax special correspondent reports from the Kazakh capital that
    Robert Kocharyan announced at the end of the meeting between the two
    countries' presidents and the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group
    that the two countries' leaders positively assessed the work of the
    Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers.

    "It is time to clarify certain positions, which we did today. Now
    we need some time in order to define our further steps, knowing each
    other's position," the Armenian president said.

    "Generally speaking, there is nothing to boast about, but I am happy
    with the circumstance that we are discussing ways of the settlement
    calmly and patiently," Robert Kocharyan noted.

    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that a wide range of issues
    connected with the settlement of the Karabakh conflict was discussed
    in Astana today. He announced that he is assessing positively the
    exchange of views that has been taking place of late between the
    Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers.

    "Our meeting today allowed us to draw a certain line under the dialogue
    between our countries' foreign ministers," Ilham Aliyev said.