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BAKU: MPs unveil stance towards cancellation of NATO exercises

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  • BAKU: MPs unveil stance towards cancellation of NATO exercises

    MPs unveil stance towards cancellation of NATO exercises

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    Sept 15 2004

    MPs unveiled their attitude towards the cancellation of NATO exercises
    in Baku in a Tuesday meeting of the Milli Majlis (parliament).

    Although most of the parliamentarians assessed the cancellation of
    the exercises as Azerbaijan's victory, some of them expressed their

    Sattar Safarov said that the matter is that the Azerbaijani public
    has protested against the planned visit by Armenian officers to Baku
    but not against holding NATO exercises. «NATO was to hold exercises
    in Baku without the participation of Armenian military men who have
    occupied Azerbaijan's lands,» Safarov stressed.

    Expressing his attitude to the issue, Speaker Murtuz Alasgarov
    underlined that Azerbaijan succeeded in the failure of the criminal
    Armenian officers, who fought in Upper Garabagh, to visit Baku.
    Noting that Azerbaijan won't make any compromises to Armenians on the
    settlement of the Garabagh conflict, Alasgarov said that his country
    was adherent to peaceful resolution of the conflict.*