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Geopolitical Consequences Of Beslan

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  • Geopolitical Consequences Of Beslan


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    15 Sept 04

    The terrorist attack on the school in Beslan shocked not only the
    Russians but also everyone abroad. Hundreds of innocent people died,
    among them children. Among the casualties there were Armenians as
    well. Against the humanitarian aspect of the tragedy the geopolitical
    consequences have been driven to the background but in the future the
    events in Beslan may cause fundamental changes of the situation in the
    Caucasus, and not only in the north but in the entire region. In the
    given context it is appropriate to consider the possible developments
    both in the Caucasus and outside it. Possible developments in the
    region may be classified into several groups: aggravation of the
    home situation in North Osetia, aggravation of the Oset-Ingush and
    Oset-Chechen relationships, aggravation of the relationships between
    North Osetia and the central power which is the same as aggravation
    of the Oset-Russian relationships, as well as of the situation in
    South Osetia. Currently the people of North Osetia protest against
    the government of the republic demanding their resignation. We may
    suppose that the settlement of this range of problems is not of
    major difficulty. However, in this case it is not excluded that
    radical forces may come to power in North Osetia. And this may
    essentially complicate the situation also in neighbouring countries
    of the North Caucasus. The possible complications in the Oset- Ingush
    and Oset-Chechen relationships are especially dangerous. After the
    events in Beslan about a thousand Osetians attempted to massacre the
    Ingush people but were prevented by the law. If similar cases become
    more dangerous and cause victims, the situation in the North Caucasus
    will aggravate. One of the most dangerous developments for Moscow will
    be tensions between North Osetia and the central government of the
    Russian Federation. This will be a serious challenge for Russia. Many
    people in Russia blame Kremlin for the tragedy in Beslan. Member of
    State Duma Vladimir Rizhkov stated directly, â^À^Üif speaking about
    the political responsibility, there cannot be two opinions. It is
    the government and first of all the president, the leaders of the
    Federal Service of Security, the Ministry of Home Affairs, that is to
    say those federal agencies of the executive power which, according
    to the Constitution and the laws, are to provide our security.â^À^Ý
    According to Rizhkov, the president assumed the responsibility to
    establish order in the country and provide the security of the people
    but this responsibility was not carried out. In addition to this,
    the Russian mass media write that in Beslan gunfire was started by
    the people involved in the siege and not the terrorists. It is not
    excluded that those might have been the local militiamen deployed
    around the school since the first day. It is quite possible that one
    of them broke down and shot. The terrorist groups are also interested
    in accusing Kremlin of organizing the events in Beslan. In such a
    situation there may appear feelings of hatred and distrust of the
    central government among the population. Distrust may arise in other
    regions of the Russian Federation as well. From the geopolitical aspect
    one of the most dangerous developments is that distrust of the central
    government may grow into distrust of the Russians in general, whereas
    the Osetian factor is of exceptional importance for the position of
    Moscow in the North Caucasus. Osetians are the only Christians of the
    North Caucasian natives, by the way Orthodox Christians. Practically
    they were the first to join Russia voluntarily, and in the 19th century
    they did not take part in the struggle of the highlanders against the
    Russian Empire. Now the Osetians are perhaps the most reliable defence
    wall for Russia. The thing is that the Osetian-Russian relationships
    have been supported by spiritual and cultural cooperation, which
    reduces and sometimes even eliminates the influence of such a strong
    factor as the geopolitical situation. But the spiritual and cultural
    closeness can be broken up and in such cases the relationships between
    peoples become derivatives of the geopolitical situation. The result
    of this will be the change of political orientation of the people or
    the country. Thus, the political future of the North Caucasus will
    be directly related to the developments in North Osetia. Without the
    support of the Osetians Moscowâ^À^Ùs position in the North Caucasus
    may be shattered. Taking into account the fact that South Caucasus
    is gradually getting integrated in the Euroatlantic structures, the
    nations of North Caucasus may also change their political orientation
    under the influence of the geopolitical situation finding themselves
    devoid of any spiritual and cultural closeness. The events of Beslan
    may also affect the situation in South Osetia. In an interview
    president Putin declared that the borders of North Osetia will be
    closed, including the North Osetian section of the state border. But
    in this situation the border between South and North Osetia will
    appear under lock. This may motivate Georgia to use force against
    South Osetia. In this case Kremlin will become very vulnerable. On
    the one hand, after such a statement if volunteers from North Osetia
    appear in the Georgian-South Osetian conflict area, Moscow may be
    accused of sending terrorists to Georgia. On the other hand, if the
    situation in South Osetia becomes tense, and North Osetia is not able
    to help their brothers, they will again blame Moscow. In this context
    it is worthwhile to pay attention to the September 4, 2004 address
    of Vladimir Putin. He made it clear that the terrorist actions are
    directly related to foreign forces which are interested in weakening
    Russia. By the way, he mentioned that the Russian Federation is not
    protected either from the East or from the West. Here the Russian
    president exactly meant the political and not the geographic notions
    of â^À^ÜEastâ^À^Ý and â^À^ÜWestâ^À^Ý . The main suspicion falls
    on either Europe or the USA but taking into account the fact that
    the United States is currently the only superpower in the world,
    and according to the American top officials, they have interests in
    any region of the Earth, therefore the USA is meant. Is that Moscow
    is challenging Washington? But in this case Moscow should have won
    over the protection of some player on the arena. Europe, especially
    Germany and France would hardly enter confrontation with the USA for
    the sake of Russia. Maybe China will help him? Strange though it may
    seem, Putin himself excluded this possibility in his address when he
    mentioned the fact of Russiaâ^À^Ùs not being protected from the East as
    well. If it is merely the Near East, the threat from there is usually
    connected with terrorism and Islamic extremism. If it is the Far East,
    the situation here is quite different. The insecurity of Russia in
    this direction is caused by the fears of ethnic and economic intrusion
    of the Chinese into the vast areas of the Far East and Siberia. Now
    already China is the chief trade companion of most regions of the Far
    East and Siberia, and it seems that China is not against having its
    share either. Thus, it turns out that Kremlin transforms the struggle
    against international terrorism into a geopolitical competition with
    the leading centers of global politics thereby practically remaining
    without a strong ally. Of course, a country such as Russia may be
    able to solve many questions alone but only having order inside the
    country. As Putin stated in his address, the most important task is
    the mobilization of the nation against the common threat. However,
    the national mobilization cannot be confined to showing patriotic
    films and mass actions of unity, which may have a short-lasting
    effect merely, especially among todayâ^À^Ùs Russian youth. First of
    all it is necessary to restore the social unity as presently there
    is an enormous gap between the rich and the poor. This first of all
    requires an overall struggle against corruption. Putin mentioned
    nothing on this in his address. However, not everything said becomes
    a reality and not everything done is spoken about. Therefore, if
    soon a war is declared against corruption in the Russian Federation,
    it will mean that Beslan was a breakpoint in the Russian policy.
