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"Turkey Will Quit Cooperating With The US", Gul Warns

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  • "Turkey Will Quit Cooperating With The US", Gul Warns


    Tal Afar Incidents Are the Reason

    16 Sept 04

    The siege of Tal Afar, Iraq, begun on September 4, is still in
    process. The American aviation keeps on bombing the town. According to
    the latest news, 200 Turkmen are dead and more than 300 wounded. Tens
    of thousands of Turkmen families had to leave their homes. The
    American forces forbid the Turkmen to return to their homes, the
    Kurds strive for inhabiting Tal Afar with the Syrian Kurds and the
    Kurdish peshmerga guerrillas are fighting against the Turkmen side
    by side with the Americans.

    USAâ^À^Ùs cooperation with the Kurds in the issue of the Turkmen
    is pregnant with a future change of the Northern Iraqâ^À^Ùs
    map. America may have even farther-reaching plans for Iraq, for
    instance, making a federation out of the country with Kurdish and
    Arabian units. The Arabian part in its turn should be divided between
    the Sunnis and the Shiites and the Turkmen will appear at the back
    seat, with no status.

    Turkey, perhaps would have agreed with Iraqâ^À^Ùs division if the
    US had intended a piece of land for Turkmen either. If the Turkmen
    factor was the main reason for Turkeyâ^À^Ùs participation in the
    Iraq war, then in case this factor is ruled out, especially by means
    of the Kurds, nothing will keep Turkey in Iraq. The fact that Turkey
    is gradually being evicted from the processes in Iraq also makes
    Turkey worry.

    The Anatolu Turkish news agency cites the statement of Abdullah Gul,
    foreign minister of Turkey, made on September 13. "I have talked with
    the US State Secretary Collin Powel and told him that Turkey will cease
    cooperating with the US in the Iraqi issue unless the latter changes
    its policy (towards the Turkmen). I think the population of Tal Afar
    should be spared the violence. I told him about this and will keep
    on telling. But our words may soon turn into action", Mr. Gul said.

    By Hakob Chakrian