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BAKU: Prestige of Azerbaijan enhanced in CoE

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  • BAKU: Prestige of Azerbaijan enhanced in CoE

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    Sept 16 2004

    [September 16, 2004, 18:30:23]

    During its regular session on September 15, the PACE Monitoring
    Committee discussed among others the issue pertaining the honoring
    by Azerbaijan and Armenia their obligation and commitment to COE.

    Member of the Milli Majlis permanent Commission to the PACE, Bakhtiyar
    Aliyev briefed AzerTAj reporter on the meeting as follows:

    Co-rapporteurs on Azerbaijan Andreas Gross and Andrea Herkel noted in
    the report that a great job has been done and important changes have
    taken place in Azerbaijan lately. Informing the Committee members
    on their meetings with President Ilham Aliyev, the co-rapporteurs
    stressed the Head of State had started large-scale reforms whose
    positive results are displayed in all spheres. The purposeful activity
    of the Azerbaijan President has been reflected as a very positive
    fact both in the report and the draft resolution.

    Besides, they positively valued the solving the so-called "problem
    of political prisoners" noting in particular that a lot of prisoners
    whose names were included in the list once submitted to the Council
    of Europe, had been released by the recent Presidential Decree.

    Head of the Azerbaijani delegation Samad Seyidov and deputy Asim
    Mollazadeh advanced amendments to the draft resolution, which were
    accepted by the co-rapporteurs and the Committee members.

    As a member of the Committee I made things clear about some ideas of
    alleged use of refugees' hard situation for political purposes letting
    them know about the President's care of over one million refugees -
    the work being done to improve their living conditions

    As a member of the Commission for Pardoning Affairs under the
    President I informed of the pardoning the members of the special
    police detachment arrested for coup attempt.

    The Commission members also touched upon the corruption issue. I
    advised in this connection that Azerbaijan had ratified two COE
    Conventions; on the base of the Presidential Decree a special
    commission on fighting corruption has been founded, and the
    corresponding law passed by the country's parliament.

    The problem of Nagorno-Karabakh was reflected in the report on honoring
    by Armenia the commitment and obligations to COE. The co-rapporteurs
    stated that they completely support the idea of unconditional and
    immediate liberation of 7 Azerbaijan's regions from the Armenian

    During the debates over the draft resolution, the Azerbaijani deputies
    made a strong protest against mentioning of Nagorno-Karabakh in the
    report as a "republic". The protest has been accepted and the world
    "republic" replaced with "region". Our deputies managed to introduce
    a number of other amendments as well.

    Overall, the PACE Monitoring Committee has demonstrated the stance,
    which meets the interests of Azerbaijan, and this fact may be
    considered as gradual enhancement of the country's image in the
    Council of Europe, and success of the Azerbaijani diplomacy.