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Israel Moves to Drive Arabs Away From Al-Quds

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  • Israel Moves to Drive Arabs Away From Al-Quds

    Islam Online, UK
    Sept 16 2004

    Israel Moves to Drive Arabs Away From Al-Quds

    Photo file of occupied Al-Quds

    By Mohammad Yassin, IOL Correspondent

    GAZA, September 16 ( - Palestinian experts warn
    against Israeli plans to drive Palestinian citizens away from occupied
    Al-Quds (Jerusalem) under pretexts of development, saying the Jewish
    state's real motive is striking a demographic balance between in the
    overwhelmingly Palestinian city.

    Al-Quds Municipality has showed Monday, September 13, new plans for the
    structural map of occupied Jerusalem, explaining population density
    in the old city which affects the living standard and welfare inside
    the city, as per the Municipality.

    In a report published by Israeli daily Ha'aretz Monday, it suggested
    decreasing that density as regards "all alleys", except for what is
    known as "Jewish Alley", claiming the Alley had already been developed
    recently and needed no evacuation of some inhabitants.

    The Municipality further said it was ready to "compensate those willing
    to leave their homes with alternative houses outside the Old City.

    "Plans to evacuate the Palestinians living in the Old City lies within
    the demographic struggle after large numbers of Palestinians moved into
    the Old City as a result of the construction of the self-styled Israeli
    separation wall two years ago," Khalil Tafkaji, a Palestinian expert
    for settlement affairs told Wednesday, September 15.

    Tafkaji said the return of some Palestinians to their homes the Old
    City would lead the Palestinians to outnumber the Israeli settlers
    living in the city.

    "The return of Palestinians and restoring their old homes after they
    were forced to leave them in 1967 means that the number of Palestinians
    in the city would increase."

    The Palestinian expert mocked at the Israeli proposals to offer
    financial compensations and new houses for the Palestinians who leave
    the city.

    "There are no available lands for construction out of the Old City
    as a result of the Israeli confiscation of 35% of Al-Quds lands since
    the 1967 war."

    Tafkaji said the Israeli governments had been adopting a constant
    policy to evacuate the Palestinian citizens from occupied Al-Quds
    since 1973.

    "Struggle in the Old City is raging on even very small batches of
    lands as the case with Al-Aqsa mosque."

    According to Israeli estimates, there are 24,098 Muslims living in
    the Old City, contrary to 2,408 Armenian Christians, 5,269 Christians
    in the Christian Alley and 2,328 Jews in the Jews Alley.

    Golden Opportunity

    Dr. Ekrema Sabri, the mufti of Al-Quds, for his part, warned the
    Israeli schemes only aim at grabbing lands of Palestinian citizens
    in the occupied Al-Quds.

    "As the Jews immigrate into the city, Palestinians are forced out of
    the city, with the aim of affecting the demographic balance in favor
    of the Israelis."

    Sabri said the current developments on the world arena provide the
    Jewish state with a golden opportunity to carry out its plans.

    "Israel believes that world developments give it a chance to implement
    its aggressive schemes."

    Sabri maintained the Palestinians living in the city fight the Israeli
    temptations to leave their homes, calling on the Palestinian Authority
    to support the civil and humanitarian institutions in the city.

    "If these institutions are supported, they can provide the Palestinian
    citizens with all necessary services, and therefore they can stick
    to their homes."

    Al-Aqsa institution for Islamic sites preservation in the occupied
    Palestinian lands, meanwhile, called on the Palestinian citizens to
    support their peers in Al-Quds.

    "This scheme clearly reveals the Israeli attempts to control Al-Aqsa
    mosque and enhancing Jewish immigration into the city," it said in
    a statement, a copy of which was obtained by

    The leading figure of Neturei Karta, an organization within the
    Orthodox Jewish community which represents hundreds of thousands of
    Orthodox Jews around the world, said: "We are in total opposition to
    the Zionists' views of the destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is clearly
    forbidden according to the Torah and the rabbinical authorities."