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BAKU: Baku Dissapointed with NATO Decision

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  • BAKU: Baku Dissapointed with NATO Decision

    Baku Dissapointed with NATO Decision

    Baku Today, Azerbaijan
    Sept 15 2004

    According to Turan news agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
    Azerbaijan issued a statement where it says the Ministry "expresses
    its deep regret in connection with abolition of NATO maneuvers
    "Cooperativ Best Effort - 2004" in Azerbaijan."

    Document mentions, Azerbaijan considered these maneuvers as significant
    and important event on the way of integration into the Euro-Atlantic
    organization and created all conditions for its conducting.

    The statement stressed Azerbaijan-NATO cooperation has been
    successfully developing for the last years and Azerbaijan submitted
    Operational plan on individual partnership to NATO leadership.

    Along with this, the statement indicates occupation of almost 20% of
    Azerbaijan territory, as a result of Armenian aggression. Moreover,
    statement reads, Armenian leadership sticks to tougher and
    non-constructive position during peaceful negotiations.

    "Participation of Armenian servicemen in maneuvers at the territory of
    the state was non admissible for Azerbaijan in such situation. It is
    underlined Azerbaijan party confirms its adherence to Euro-Atlantic
    values and partnership with North Atlantic Alliance. Official Baku
    expresses its hope that formed relations of effective Azerbaijan-NATO
    partnership "will be dynamically developing in future".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress