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ACNIS Releases Public Opinion Results on Corruption in Armenia

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  • ACNIS Releases Public Opinion Results on Corruption in Armenia

    Armenian Center for National and International Studies
    75 Yerznkian Street
    Yerevan 375033, Armenia
    Tel: (+374 - 1) 52.87.80 or 27.48.18
    Fax: (+374 - 1) 52.48.46
    E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

    September 16, 2004

    ACNIS Releases Public Opinion Results on Corruption in Armenia

    Yerevan--The Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS)
    today issued the results of a public survey on "Corruption in Armenia" which
    it conducted among 1956 citizens from Yerevan and all of Armenia's regions.

    ACNIS director of administration Karapet Kalenchian greeted the invited
    guests and public participants with opening remarks. "It would be illusory
    to hope that discussions and debates on corruption could solve the problem.
    However, we must carefully examine the issue in order to clarify the
    directions, strategy, conception, and practical priorities of our common
    campaign. Corruption is a public evil, and each of us, alone and together,
    should struggle against it," he said.

    ACNIS legal and political affairs analyst Stepan Safarian focused in detail
    on the findings of the opinion poll. Accordingly, a majority of surveyed
    citizens (62.4%) assert that corruption in Armenia exists in all spheres and
    at all levels, 29.9% think it exists in some areas, 3.7% can identify it in
    but a few categories, while 4% find it difficult to answer.

    42.8% of citizens think that corruption is a political phenomenon, that is,
    authorities that come to power through election fraud and bribery are forced
    to sponsor or give privileges to those who supported their "election." 19.4%
    believe corruption to be an economic phenomenon, as it is the most effective
    way of amassing money, 19.7% assert it is a social function, and 12% explain
    it as a cultural matter.

    14.8% of respondents have given bribes because they were forced to do it,
    39.5% have done it to solve a problem quickly and easily, while 45.2% have
    never given bribes. The majority of surveyed citizens think that the health
    care system is the most corrupt in Armenia (19.4%), 10.6% point to the army,
    17.5% the courts, 5.2% the prosecutor's office, 7.5% the educational system,
    7.7% tax and 1.7% customs agencies, 4.4% the state transport inspection, and
    4.7% the police. 23.2% are convinced that the most corrupt branch of the
    Armenian government is the executive, while 15.6% blame the judiciary and
    5.7% the legislature.

    Among the surveyed public, 37% were offered a bribe during the presidential
    or parliamentary elections of 2003. 32.5% of these actually took it, whereas
    only 66.4% did not take it.

    As to the principal factor fostering corruption in Armenia, 35.9% pinpoint
    the arbitrariness and unaccountability of the authorities, 20.7% the
    prevalence of private and group interests, and 12.8% a tolerance toward
    unlawfulness in people's consciousness. 25.3% of respondents do not believe
    in the success of the Armenian government's program against corruption, only
    4.9% are optimistic on this score, and 69.3% find it difficult to answer.
    The main reason for the inefficiency of the campaign against corruption, in
    the view of 49.1%, is that corrupt authorities cannot struggle against
    themselves. 14.8% think it is hampered by clans and oligarchs, and 14.3% say
    it is adversely affected by the fact that society is not engaged in the

    The second item on the day's agenda was a presentation by economist Ashot
    Tavadian on "The Aims of the Campaign against Corruption." "I am convinced,
    and the survey proves it, that Armenia's substantive development is possible
    only by way of a serious campaign against corruption, whereas the aims of
    the government's program are declarative and unclear. In reality, the
    program must persuade us that over time Armenia will achieve an
    internationally recognized benchmark on the existence or non-existence of
    corruption. It also should be composed based on the consensus of a large
    number of political forces," he underscored.

    The formal presentations were followed by contributions by Edward Aghajanov
    of the "Armat" center; law professor Hrair Tovmasian; Ruben Torosian of the
    Supreme Council Deputy Club; Yerevan State University professor Gagik
    Galstian; Artsrun Pepanian, political analyst for AR television; Gayane
    Markosian of the Harmonious World NGO; economist Gegham Kiurumian; Armen
    Ktoyan of the Institute of Management and Economic Reforms; Haroutiun
    Khachatrian of Noyan Tapan news agency; National Press Club chairperson
    Narine Mkrtchian; and several others.

    42.7% of participating respondents are male and 57.3% female; 11.9% are
    18-30 years of age, 23.6% 31-40, 21.4% 41-50, 12.7% 51-60, and 23.4% 61 or
    above. 48% of the citizens surveyed have received a higher education, 11.1%
    incomplete higher, 20.5% specialized secondary, 17.1% secondary, and 3.1%
    incomplete secondary training. 57.6% are actively employed, 25.3%
    unemployed, 9.8% are pensioners, 0.9% welfare recipients, and 6.1% students.

    Founded in 1994 by Armenia's first Minister of Foreign Affairs Raffi K.
    Hovannisian and supported by a global network of contributors, ACNIS serves
    as a link between innovative scholarship and the public policy challenges
    facing Armenia and the Armenian people in the post-Soviet world. It also
    aspires to be a catalyst for creative, strategic thinking and a wider
    understanding of the new global environment. In 2004, the Center focuses
    primarily on public outreach, civic education, and applied research on
    critical domestic and foreign policy issues for the state and the nation.

    For further information on the Center or the full graphics of the poll
    results, call (3741) 52-87-80 or 27-48-18; fax (3741) 52-48-46; e-mail
    [email protected] or [email protected]; or visit or