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BAKU: Meeting with head of the Caucasus clerical office

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  • BAKU: Meeting with head of the Caucasus clerical office

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    Sept 17 2004

    [September 17, 2004, 21:08:22]

    Chairman of the Clerical Office of the Caucasus Moslem, Sheik-Ul-Islam
    Haji Allahshukur Pashazadeh has received the delegation headed by
    President of the European Commission Romano Prodi in his residence.

    Welcoming the visitors, the head of religious department of Azerbaijan
    has presented heads of religious communities of the basic faiths of
    republic - Christian, Judaic, and also apostolic nuncio of the State
    of Vatican K. Gujarotti, members of scientific - religious council,
    has shortly informed on condition of religion in Azerbaijan. He has
    emphasized, that due to policy pursued by the national leader of
    Azerbaijan people Heydar Aliyev and his worthy successor President
    Ilham Aliyev nowadays, in our country, rights and freedom of the
    person are provided. When in Beslan, monstrous act of terrorism has
    been accomplished, and the Moslems, Christians and Jews have together
    made resolute protest, expressed indignation to address of those who
    try to use religion in political ends.

    Then, Sheikh-Ul-Islam has reminded that Armenia, too, gave religious
    color to the Karabakh war, vandalism of the separatists who were
    pulling down mosques, Muslim cemeteries. "Together with heads of
    religious communities of Azerbaijan we have carried out large work
    on explanation to world community, that it is not religious war,
    but claims on another's territory, A. Pashazadeh noted.

    The Sheikh-Ul-Islam has expressed confidence that this meeting would
    serve strengthening of relations of Azerbaijan with the countries
    of the European Union, its integration into Europe, has expressed
    gratitude for moral and material aid which renders the European Union
    to the refugees.

    Bishop of Baku and Caspian Father Alexander, the head of community
    of Highland Jews of Azerbaijan of S. Ikhiilov in their remarks said
    that faiths headed by them exist in territory of the Republic some
    centuries and always were together, never here was observed collisions
    on religious ground. Now Azerbaijan is the most tolerant country of
    region. According to the Constitution of Republic, all religions have
    equal rights. All this is the result of not only the policy pursued in
    the country, support and understanding on the part of its management,
    but also mentality of Azerbaijan people - benevolent, tolerant,
    hospitable, the Bishop Baku and Caspian Father Alexander emphasized.

    Apostolic nuncio of the State of Vatican has expressed gratitude for
    the fine organization of meeting here of the Pope of Rome, John Pawl
    Ï, having noted there is a great role of Sheikh-Ul-Islam and his
    colleagues - heads of Christian and Judaic religions.

    President of the European Commission Romano Prodi in his statement has
    noted, that the representative of the European Union has arrived here
    to start a new stage of process of integration of Azerbaijan in the
    European structures, that this offer to new cooperation is not only
    economic, but also political filed, and it testifies to openness of
    the European society. Just for this reason, it is very important,
    that also the religion participated in dialogue. We know, that in
    region, there are conflicts, Mr. Romano Prodi said. We can help you
    with their solution. In fact, entering the Council of Europe, both
    Azerbaijan and Armenia, have undertaken the certain obligations. In
    Europe, the conflicts was not less, but we could prove that they
    can be overcome peacefully. In conclusion, Mr. Prodi has expressed
    gratitude for tolerance in Azerbaijan, and also confidence that this
    unity would continue.