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UK MPs criticise export agency for secrecy on support for BP pipelin

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  • UK MPs criticise export agency for secrecy on support for BP pipelin

    UK MPs criticise export agency for secrecy on support for BP pipeline investment

    AFX Europe (Focus)
    Apr 04, 2005

    LONDON (AFX) - A group of MPs has criticised the government's Export
    Credit Guarantee Department (ECGD) for being too secretive about why
    it was willing to put up 150 mln usd of taxpayers' money to support
    BP PLC's investment in the Baku-Tbilisi pipeline.

    The all-party Trade and Industry select committee said the ECGD's
    reasons for refusing to provide a full assessment of the deal on the
    grounds of confidentiality were "unconvincing and unsatisfactory".

    The ECGD provides insurance to British companies involved in
    potentially risky export sales.

    The committee said the ECGD had followed government guidelines in
    considering the views of parties with an interest in the project,
    but should be more transparent with its findings.

    "Such reluctance has affected our ability to explain our own
    conclusions about ECGD's involvement in the project," the MPs said.

    The committee's chairman said the brief outline provided by the ECGD
    was "not enough" for "such a large and controversial project".

    "We do not believe that it is impossible to produce such a document
    without betraying commercial or other confidences, as the department
    seemed to suggest," Martin O'Neill said. The pipeline, which will take
    oil from Azerbaijan's side of the Caspian Sea across the Caucasus
    to the Mediterranean, bypassing Russia, is being built by a BP-led

    The project has sparked protests over environmental concerns, including
    the fact that it is being built in an earthquake-prone area.

    The pipeline, is due to become operational this year and carry 1 mln
    barrels of oil a day to Turkey.