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Nationalist strain deepens as Turkey leans toward Europe

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  • Nationalist strain deepens as Turkey leans toward Europe

    Nationalist strain deepens as Turkey leans toward Europe
    By Yigal Schleifer

    Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
    April 05, 2005 edition

    ISTANBUL - In a country accustomed to political flaps sparked by what
    might seem like trivial matters, a recent brouhaha may be the icing on
    the cake - literally. During a ceremony in the eastern town of Ezerum
    that was hosted by the German ambassador, cakes were decorated as
    the flags of Germany and Turkey. But among the guests was the local
    chief prosecutor, who warned that cutting into the cake would violate
    a law forbidding the desecration of the Turkish flag.

    The incident occurred shortly after two boys apparently tried to
    set fire to a flag during a Kurdish celebration in Mersin, on the
    Mediterranean. Turks responded - egged on by politicians and the
    military - by hanging flags en masse. Unions and other organizations
    held flagwaving demonstrations and TV stations put a flag in the
    corner of the screen.

    The military also weighed in, stating that its forces were "ready to
    shed their last drop of blood to protect the country and its flag."

    The patriotic outburst was the latest indication of what observers
    in Turkey say is a troubling rise in nationalism, one that is linked
    to - and could negatively affect - Turkey's push for European Union
    membership. A Dec. 17 EU summit in Brussels set the framework for
    talks on Turkish membership, although only after a long period of

    "The flag issue is an indication of a new form of politicization [based
    on] nationalism, and distrust of a world that many Turks believe is
    either rejecting Turkey or openly hostile to it," says Dogu Ergil,
    a political scientist at Ankara University. And in Turkey, he adds,
    "It's very easy to whip up nationalist sentiments."

    Land sales and bestsellers

    Recently, a high court overturned a new law allowing for the sale of
    land to foreigners after an opposition party asked that it be scrapped
    on national-security grounds. In bookshops, Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
    is currently a bestseller, along with several conspiracy-minded books
    that see Turkey under attack by external forces.

    Meanwhile, after staying out of civilian affairs in order not to
    jeopardize Turkey's EU bid, the country's military is again making
    its voice heard. A few weeks ago, high-ranking military officials
    took part in a commemoration for six policemen killed by the British
    in World War I. The ceremony had been moribund since the 1950s.

    Suat Kiniklioglu, executive director of the German Marshall Fund's
    Turkey office, says Turks appear to be turning inward.

    "The current mood is a reaction to an anxiety felt by some people
    that some of the values that are important to us are being sold
    out by the EU drive," he says. "Before Dec. 17, the country's hopes
    and forward-looking vision were behind the EU drive. Now people are
    becoming confused. There is a fatigue, and nationalism becomes an
    escape route."

    Many Turks appear to believe that the EU discussions will only lead
    to a dead end. Meanwhile, there is growing concern that in order to
    join the EU, Turkey will have to make one-sided concessions regarding
    the divided island of Cyprus, accept the Armenian claims of genocide
    by the Ottoman Turks in 1915, and accede to EU pressure on dealing
    with its minorities.

    "These were things that Turks were accustomed not to address all these
    decades. But if you want to be in the EU process, you have to address
    these issues," says political analyst Cengiz Candar. "It seems like
    it's very painful for Turks to redefine their identity according to
    EU norms."

    Stalled reforms

    The growing nationalism comes at a time when Turkey's government,
    led by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), is beset by internal
    problems that appear to be stalling its reform drive.

    The AKP government has yet to appoint a chief negotiator for its talks
    with the European Union, while more than a dozen parliamentarians
    and one cabinet member have recently resigned from the party.

    An EU diplomat in Ankara said the Turkish government has so far been
    slow to respond to the resurgent nationalism.

    "The lack of leadership by government in the reform-minded, European
    direction that we've seen previously does raise question marks,"
    the diplomat says. "There is a sense in Ankara, and I think also in
    Brussels, that this version of Turkish nationalism is incompatible
    with the European Union."