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Call to lift bar on prisoners voting

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  • Call to lift bar on prisoners voting

    Call to lift bar on prisoners voting

    Guardian, UK

    Press Association
    Monday April 4, 2005

    A national campaign launched today to give prisoners voting rights
    has won high-level political backing.

    Former Tory home secretary Douglas Hurd and the Liberal Democrat
    president, Simon Hughes, are supporting the Barred from Voting
    campaign, which is demanding a review of 135-year-old laws stripping
    inmates of their voting rights.

    Juliet Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust, which is jointly
    running the campaign with ex-offenders' organisation Unlock, said:
    "People are sent to prison to lose their liberty not their identity.

    "Prison has an important job to do to prevent the next victim and
    release people less, not more likely, to offend again. "Prisoners
    should be given every opportunity to pay back for what they have done,
    take responsibility for their lives and make plans for effective
    resettlement and this should include maintaining their right to
    vote. It's time to stop pretending that people in prison don't exist."

    Campaigners said the law was a relic from the 19th century - dating
    to the 1870 Forfeiture Act - which is based on the notion of civic
    death, a punishment that involves the withdrawal of citizenship rights.

    The European Court of Human Rights last year ruled that the ban
    violated article three of the European Convention on Human Rights
    after British prisoner John Hirst took a case to Strasbourg. A
    government appeal against the judgement is to be heard on April 27,
    with a final ruling later this year.

    The Liberal Democrat leader, Charles Kennedy, was accused by his
    political opponents of being "soft on crime" four weeks ago when he
    backed giving the vote to all prisoners, saying: "We believe that
    citizens are citizens, full stop."

    The Barred from Voting campaign is also supported by Labour peer
    Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, Liberal Democrat peer Lord Dholakia,
    barrister Baroness Kennedy QC and former chief inspector of prisons
    Sir David Ramsbotham.

    Supporters argue that the right to vote is an "inalienable human
    right" and that a voting ban does nothing to deter inmates from
    crime. In fact, giving prisoners the vote would encourage them to
    become responsible, law-abiding citizens, they add.

    The chief executive of Unlock, Bobby Cummines, said: "Giving
    prisoners the vote is a question of moral conscience, not political
    conscience. If prisoners are excluded from voting then we don't have
    a democratic society, we are just paying lip service to one.

    "The government must accept that prisoners remain citizens of this
    country with legitimate human rights, including the right to vote."

    A campaign spokesman said only seven other European countries
    automatically disenfranchise sentenced prisoners - Armenia, Bulgaria,
    Czech Republic, Estonia, Luxembourg and Romania.

    But Tory MP Ann Widdecombe said she was opposed to the move. "When
    a judge has taken the decision that somebody's crimes are of such an
    order of magnitude that they need to be taken out of society then it
    does seem perverse to hand that same person a say in how society is
    governed," she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

    But Mr Ramsbotham said the law was anachronistic.

    He said: "Prisoners remain citizens of this country. They have had
    their liberty removed, that is the punishment, nothing else. They
    haven't had their citizens' rights removed."