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Armenian Patriarch Of Turkey Expresses Condolences To Holy See Of Ro

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  • Armenian Patriarch Of Turkey Expresses Condolences To Holy See Of Ro


    ISTANBUL, APRIL 4, NOYAN TAPAN. His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian
    Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey, addressed a letter of condolences
    to His Eminence Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, Camerlengo of the
    Holy See of Rome, Lraper Church Bulletin of the Armenian Patriarchate
    of Istanbul reported. The following is the Patriarch's letter:
    "It is with profoundly deep sentiments of sympathy that I write
    to you these humble words of cordial condolences, on the passing
    of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, the Holy Father, the `Papa' of
    countless numbers of Christians all over the globe, Roman Catholic or
    not. It is impossible for me, as a person, and as a junior brother
    of his in the episcopate, to forget the many encounters with him
    and the opportunities we had to pray together. His visit to Turkey,
    and the Armenian Patriarchal See of Istanbul, in November 1979,
    will never be forgotten by our faithful. The Holy Father leaves
    a grand legacy of selfless faith in God, of effective witness to
    our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, of peace-making amongst nations,
    of dialogue and reconciliation between Christian denominations and
    other religions, of upholding morality and justice for all peoples
    in this age and time. We, in the Armenian Church, feel very close
    at this time of Paschal mystery to our brother bishops in the Roman
    Catholic Church and to all Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in the
    world, at the passing of this great Christian Pastor. This morning,
    on the Second Sunday of the Quinquagesima, I presided over the Divine
    Liturgy in the Holy Mother-of-God Patriarchal Church here in Kumkapi,
    Istanbul, to pray for the repose of the soul of Pope John Paul II -
    a beloved and loyal friend of the Armenian Church and people. May he
    rest in peace. In the Risen Lord, Mesrob II Armenian Patriarch of
    Istanbul and All Turkey" Patriarch Mesrob sent letters likewise to
    Their Eminences Cardinal Angelo Sodano (former Secretary of State of
    the Holy See of Rome), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (former Prefect of
    Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), Cardinal Walter Kasper
    (former Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity) and His
    Excellency Archbishop Edmund Farhad, Nuncio of the Holy See in Ankara.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress