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NKR Will Seek For Recognition

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  • NKR Will Seek For Recognition


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    05 April 05

    At the hearings in the parliament of Armenia on the topic "The
    Issue of Nagorno Karabakh: Ways of Resolution" which took place
    on March 29 - 30 the NKR foreign minister Arman Melikian asserted
    that the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh will consistently pursue
    the international recognition of their independence. The minister
    emphasized the faultless character of the legal foundation and
    the procedure of declaration of the NKR independence underlying
    the foreign political line of official Stepanakert. Arman Melikian
    mentioned that the NKR government makes a distinction between the
    problem of the international recognition of independence of NKR and
    the problem of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "The
    problem of settlement derives from the problem of elimination of
    the consequences of the war instigated by Azerbaijan and cannot
    be connected to the problem of international recognition of NKR in
    any way. We lead the issue ourselves and we intend to bring it to
    its logical end," he said. According to the NKR foreign minister,
    the Karabakh authorities make out in the international policies the
    prerequisite necessary for the international recognition of NKR, and
    in order to achieve this aim they seek to provide such precondition
    in their own policies. Touching upon the peace process, Arman Melikian
    singled out the facts that trouble Stepanakert. Nagorno Karabakh was,
    as a matter of fact, left out of the talks from the beginning of
    the Paris process when, they say, the sides were especially close
    to reaching a compromise. However, Azerbaijan did not want to give
    up anything, tried to present Armenia as an aggressor, and has been
    keeping to this standpoint since then. "This circumstance worries
    us, and we consider it necessary to overcome the consequences of the
    Azerbaijani policies, which are getting more and more tangible," said
    A. Melikian. At the same time, he stated that he would not insist that
    the process of international recognition of Nagorno Karabakh has been
    developing in a negative direction. "There have been changes which
    may later lead to the international recognition of NKR, and we seek
    to expedite this process," stressed A. Melikian. In this connection
    he mentioned that during the March 29 meeting of the government a
    package of bills directed at the regulation of the foreign policies
    of the republic was discussed. The package included the bills on
    joining the international conventions on diplomatic relationships
    and consular relationships. The foreign minister stated that the fact
    that an unrecognized state joins international conventions only seems
    pointless, for the International Committee of the Red Cross presents
    Nagorno Karabakh as a country which joined the Geneva Conventions at
    the beginning of the 1990s. "We plan to take similar steps in reference
    to a number of other serious international documents. This is one of
    the essential features of our foreign policy," stated the foreign
    minister of NKR. He pointed out another important factor which was
    neglected during the talks despite being essential. It is the problem
    of the former Armenian citizens. Usually, when the problem of refugees
    is concerned, mainly the Azerbaijanis who had moved from Armenia and
    Nagorno Karabakh and partly the Armenians displaced from Shahumian,
    Martakert and other Karabakh regions fully or partly occupied by
    Azerbaijan are meant. "We tend to forget that a vast number of people
    were left out of the process, whose interests are not defended at an
    international level. The NKR authorities consider this their duty,"
    pointed out the foreign minister of NKR. While trying to trace the
    fates of those people the NKR government held a monitoring in one of
    the regions of Russia where a large Armenian community lives. The
    findings showed that since the onset of the Karabakh events about
    45 thousand Armenians displaced from Azerbaijan found shelter
    there. Almost half of them acquired citizenship of Russia. Only
    1000 - 1500 people became citizens of Armenia. The rest do not have
    citizenship yet. As A. Melikian noticed, this concerns only one of the
    regions of Russia. He pointed out that the problem should be attended
    to persistently, just like Azerbaijan does, duly presenting the problem
    in the international organizations hoping for restitution of their
    material and other losses. "The NKR bill on citizenship being drafted
    currently is directed at the solution of this serious problem. The bill
    is almost ready. It will be proposed for discussion in 10 - 15 days,"
    said A. Melikian. The foreign minister of NKR regards the development
    of democracy and democratic institutions as one of the priorities
    in the NKR policies. He singled out the upcoming parliamentary
    election as a test on the process. "We anticipate the involvement of
    representatives of the political forces of Armenia in the elections
    as observers. Observers will be invited from other countries as
    well, however, Armenia's attitude towards this event is utterly
    important for us," said Arman Melikian. The minister also mentioned
    the importance of taking into account the international situation and
    global developments. "It is not accidental that different international
    organizations attentively follow developments around Nagorno Karabakh
    and try to influence them in this or that way, generally with kind
    intentions, although there is negative intervention as well," said
    A. Melikian. "However, there is another problem too. We must keep in
    mind that we are not alone in the world and we must be able to act in
    accordance with the international interests reflected in the serious
    changes taking place in the world. This refers to the enlargement of
    Europe, the circulation of the idea of a Great Near East, as well
    as the developments in the regions situated far from us. And if we
    are not able to combine local processes with international realities
    of global character, we may face serious complications," said the
    foreign minister of NKR. Answering the questions of participants of
    the hearing, Melikian mentioned that in NKR the idea of holding a
    referendum in Nagorno Karabakh is evaluated as the recognition of the
    deciding vote of its people for their self-determination. At the same
    time the minister emphasized the necessity of deciding the exact place
    where the referendum will be held and Azerbaijan's willingness to admit
    the results of the referendum. The precondition for the referendum can
    be discussed only after the answers to these questions are given. In
    reference to the current border of Nagorno Karabakh with Azerbaijan
    Arman Melikian said the borderline passes along the front line between
    the armed forces of NKR and Azerbaijan. The minister mentioned that
    Shahumian, Shamkhor, Khanlar and other regions of Nagorno Karabakh
    occupied by Azerbaijan are being intensively populated not only by
    the refugees formerly settling the territories taken under Nagorno
    Karabakh's control but also other Azerbaijanis. At the same time, Arman
    Melikian showed discontentment with the process of settlement of the
    territories controlled by Nagorno Karabakh with Armenians. "Certain
    mistakes have been made in the process," said A. Melikian.

    AA. 05-04-2005