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"Azerbaijan Will Negotiate With Karabakh"

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  • "Azerbaijan Will Negotiate With Karabakh"


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    05 April 05

    AA: "Mr. President, after the meeting with you the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office said that there occurred an opportunity to involve
    Karabakh in the talks."

    Arkady Ghukassian: "It is quite realistic. I am sure that Azerbaijan
    will negotiate with Karabakh by all means. Otherwise I will go on
    believing that Azerbaijan is not so interested in the rapid settlement
    of the conflict through peace talks."

    AA: "Are you prepared for returning into talks?"

    A.G.: "Nagorno Karabakh has always been prepared. Everyone knows that
    as a conflict party NK has taken part in the talks since 1992. We
    are always ready. We have cadres and quite powerful intellectual
    potential to take part in the talks."

    AA: "However, before that an atmosphere of mutual confidence between
    the conflict sides must be created. In your opinion, what steps and
    by whom should be taken to create an atmosphere of mutual confidence?"

    A.G.: "When we speak about an atmosphere of mutual confidence, we
    first of all expect steps on the part of Azerbaijan . Nobody wants
    war, everybody wants a peaceful settlement. I am sure that the people
    of Azerbaijan want the same. Unfortunately, I have to say that so
    far there have been no relationships between us, which, I think, is
    troubling and dangerous. Yes, we know that there was the war, there are
    the consequences of the war, but we must negotiate, we must listen to
    each other. And we must come to an arrangement that the question will
    be solved in the political field only. We must admit that the war is
    not a solution. Certainly, the war impacts the settlement of problems
    but a final settlement can be reached only in the political field."

    AA: "The propaganda machines of both sides constantly propagate
    hostility and hatred against each other, which, to put it mildly,
    does not favour the creation of an atmosphere of trust."

    A.G.: "Yes, I think this is a very dangerous phenomenon. And Azerbaijan
    should also try hard to eliminate it, because always Azerbaijan was
    the instigator of the atmosphere of hostility. I think, if we look
    at the problem from this standpoint, Armenia and Karabakh cannot
    be compared to Azerbaijan. This is the policy of Azerbaijan and we
    cannot but respond to it from time to time."

    AA: "How do you evaluate the present stage in the negotiations?"

    A.G.: "At present there are no talks in the framework of the Minsk
    Group. There is communication between Azerbaijan and Armenia at
    different levels, which, I think, is very important but cannot replace
    the model of trilateral negotiations set forward by the Minsk Group
    in 1994."

    AA: " Please, comment on the recent attempts of Azerbaijan to transfer
    the problem of NK from the OSCE to the UN."

    A.G.: "My opinion is the same: such attempts on the part of Azerbaijan
    to set forward the question at different organizations prove that
    they are not interested in the rapid settlement of the issue.

    What is more, by transferring the question from one organization to
    another Azerbaijan tries to obstruct the process of settlement."

    AA: "Mr. President, recently much has been said about compromises by
    the Armenian side. What compromises is the Armenian side ready to make,
    in your opinion?"

    A.G.: "As long as Azerbaijan excludes compromises at a top level, it
    is not time for the Armenian side to consider making a compromise. A
    compromise on our part must be the response to a compromise on the
    part of Azerbaijan. This cannot be a unilateral process. At present,
    in my opinion, it is pointless to speak about compromises on our part,
    especially that no negotiations are going on, and I think, it is out
    of time to speak about them."

    AA: "What is your opinion on the idea of holding a second referendum
    in Nagorno Karabakh?"

    A.G.: "You know that a referendum has already been held in Karabakh,
    but if the European organizations decide that holding another
    referendum is necessary, I have no objections. Moreover, my attitude
    is positive."

