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Armenian, Lithuanian defence ministers upbeat on future ties

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  • Armenian, Lithuanian defence ministers upbeat on future ties

    Armenian, Lithuanian defence ministers upbeat on future ties

    Mediamax news agency
    5 Apr 05

    Yerevan, 5 April: Armenia attaches great importance to the development
    of military cooperation with Lithuania, Armenian Defence Minister
    Serzh Sarkisyan said at a meeting with his Lithuanian counterpart,
    Gediminas Kirkilas, today.

    In turn, the Lithuanian defence minister said that his country is a
    ready to develop relations with Yerevan in all spheres, including
    in the military sphere, the press service of the Armenian Defence
    Ministry told Mediamax new agency.

    Kirkilas stressed that Armenia is the second country after the USA
    where he has paid an official visit.

    An agreement on training Armenian servicemen at a Lithuanian military
    academy has been signed between the Defence Ministries of Armenia
    and Lithuania, Mediamax new agency said.

    Armenian Deputy Defence Minister Lt-Gen Artur Agabekyan said in the
    middle of March this year that Armenia has made a number of commitments
    within the framework of NATO's Partnership for Peace programme and
    competent specialists are needed to fulfill them. Such specialists
    will train at military-education institutions of NATO member countries,
    especially Lithuania, Agabekyan pointed out.