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ANKARA: A Split in the Armenian Diaspora

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  • ANKARA: A Split in the Armenian Diaspora

    A Split in the Armenian Diaspora

    Hurriyet, 06 April 2005

    Two separate Armenian lobbies, both active in the US, have come
    to blows over their differing claims of genocide and demands from
    Turkey. The lobby representing the extremely nationalistic Armenian
    Tasnaksutyen Party, ANCA, has accused the American Armenian Assembly
    (AAA), of taking part in a conspiracy by the White House. According to
    ANCA, the AAA is playing a role in the Bush adminstration's efforts
    to get Turkey to accept genocide charges in return for not having to
    give up any land or monetary reperations to Armenia.

    The Armenian newspaper "Asberez," which is printed and distributed
    largely in Los Angeles, also accuses the AAA of "assisting in the
    cover-up of the deaths of 1.5 millio n Armenians." In a response to
    this, Anthony Barsamian, a representative from the AAA, said "Prior
    to finding a just solution to this all, none of us is going to support
    Turkey's recognition of the genocide."

    The arguments between these two lobbies regarding the approach to
    the question of the Armenian genocide charges spread all the way to
    projects carried out by the now defunct Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation
    Commission. Concluding two years ago that the charges of genocide were
    convincing enough to bring to the United Nations, the commission then
    announced that a UN Treaty on Genocides from 1948 would not cover
    the time period the Armenians were after. The ANCA lobby at this
    time charged that "Turkish supporters" were controlling the work of
    the Commission.