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Azerbaijan's Aliev Seeks Polish Help for European Integration

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  • Azerbaijan's Aliev Seeks Polish Help for European Integration

    Azerbaijan's Aliev Seeks Polish Help for European Integration

    Jamestown Foundation
    05 April 2005    

    Fariz Ismailzade
    After visits to Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China, Azerbaijan's President
    Ilham Aliev reversed course and paid a visit to a European country --
    Poland -- on March 30. The trip refuted speculations that Azerbaijan
    was gradually shifting its foreign policy course towards the East.
    The visit was important from two perspectives: Poland's involvement
    in energy transport issues in Azerbaijan and the political-military
    assistance that Poland can render to Azerbaijan in its efforts to
    integrate with European institutions. "We should do our utmost to
    widen our links in numerous fields," Aliev said in Warsaw (Baku Sun,
    April 1). Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski responded by saying
    that Poland was ready to help Azerbaijan integrate into Euro-Atlantic
    structures (Zerkalo, March 31).

    As in his visits to other countries, economic issues dominated
    President Aliev's program. The inclusion of Minister of Economic
    Development Farkhad Aliev (no relation to President Aliev) and the
    head of the Customs Committee, Kamaleddin Heydarov, in the delegation
    has become a regular feature of the President's visits. This shows
    the vital role that President Aliev gives to the issues of foreign
    investment, bilateral trade, and increased economic cooperation.

    During Aliev's visit to Poland, the governments of the two countries
    signed several economic agreements on topics such as mutual trade
    and economic cooperation, double taxation, and mutual protection of
    investments (Azeri Times, April 1). President Aliev also met with
    Polish businessmen and encouraged them to invest in the Azerbaijani
    economy by describing the recent legal and economic reforms in the
    country. A group of Polish private sector representatives already
    visited Baku several years ago (Azeri Times, April 1). Poland, which
    has recently joined the European Union, can serve as a good model
    for -- as well as an advocate of -- Azerbaijan, which also aspires
    to become a member of the EU in the future.

    Yet, potential cooperation in the oil and gas sector overshadowed all
    other issues. Poland seemed very eager to cooperate with Azerbaijan
    on the issue of oil and gas transit from the Caspian region. This
    topic has been active since 1998, when Poland's President Kwasniewski
    visited Azerbaijan. On April 3 ANS television's weekly analytical
    program claimed that Poland's interest in this issue comes from
    its desire to lower its dependence on Russian energy supplies. One
    way Poland could boost its role in the East-West energy transport
    corridor is by extending the Odessa-Brody oil pipeline from Ukraine
    to the Polish port of Gdansk on the Baltic Sea. President Kwasniewski
    has repeatedly mentioned this idea during bilateral talks.

    The project is a worthwhile consideration, if for no other reason than
    it would boost the trade between Poland and GUAM members (Georgia,
    Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova) and lower their dependence on Russia
    transit routes. However, in order to fully realize this idea, two
    factors are required: increased amounts of oil coming from the Caspian
    and reversing the flow of the Odessa-Brody pipeline (currently it
    is running southward carrying Russian oil to the Black Sea.) Newly
    elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has already expressed
    his intention to reverse the course of that pipeline. As for the
    first factor, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili recently visited
    Kazakhstan where he actively urged President Nursultan Nazarbayev to
    ship some Kazakh oil to Europe through Georgia and Ukraine. Nazarbayev
    has reportedly promised to send a governmental delegation to Azerbaijan
    to discuss the tariff issues (Echo, April 2). Should these issues be
    resolved, Poland could become another important outlet for Caspian oil,
    which would further strengthen the European integration of Azerbaijan.

    Another issue emphasized in the bilateral talks was military
    cooperation. Azerbaijani Minister of Defense Safar Abiev was added
    to the delegation specifically for this topic. Unlike China, Poland
    has even signed a special agreement with Azerbaijan in the sphere of
    military-technical cooperation and assistance.

    Poland, having recently become a member of NATO, can offer Azerbaijan
    priceless lessons in terms of modernizing its army, raising it to
    NATO standards, and conducting military exercises and training for
    soldiers and officers. Poland could also become a strong advocate
    of Azerbaijan inside the European political and military structures,
    especially on the issue of the Karabakh conflict.

    During the bilateral talks, President Kwasniewski reportedly
    said that Poland supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and
    believes that the Karabakh conflict should be resolved according to
    international law. "Baku's offer to give the broadest level of autonomy
    to Nagorno-Karabakh is worth considering," President Kwasniewski said
    (ANS TV, April 3).
