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Ross Vartian: "Turkey Should Face Facts Of History"

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  • Ross Vartian: "Turkey Should Face Facts Of History"


    WASHINGTON, APRIL 6, NOYAN TAPAN. On March 22, Ross Vartian, Executive
    Director of the Armenian Assembly of America, was interviewed by
    Al Hurra TV network, an U.S. State Department sponsored TV network
    broadcast to the Arabic speaking world. Mr. Vartian was given 90
    seconds to answer the question: "Armenians claim that the Turks
    committed genocide - what proof is there?" If his response was longer
    than 90 seconds, it would have been edited. Mr. Vartian used the
    full 90 seconds without going over that time limit. Below is Ross
    Vartian's response: "The U.S. National Archives contain thousands
    of pages documenting the premeditated extermination of the Armenian
    people. The official records of many other countries corroborate the
    evidence gathered by U.S. diplomats, including Ottoman Turkey's WW I
    friends and foes. At the end of WW I, a Turkish Military Tribunal was
    convened. The Prime Minister, the Minister of War, the Minister of the
    Navy and the Minister of Education were declared guilty by unanimous
    vote of the Tribunal. Adolph Hitler understood the world's tendency
    to not act on its moral outrage and to move on when he said on the
    eve of his invasion of Poland, "Who, after all, speaks nowadays of
    the annihilation of the Armenians." Today a growing list of nations
    and intergovernmental bodies has affirmed the facts of the Armenian
    Genocide. Additionally, 126 Holocaust and Genocide scholars declared
    the Armenian Genocide an incontestable fact, urged all democracies
    to recognize this crime and called upon Turkey to do the same. The
    International Center for Transitional Justice was asked to study the
    applicability of the UN Genocide Convention to this crime against
    humanity. It found that "the events, viewed collectively, can thus
    be said to include all of the elements of the crime of genocide as
    defined in the Convention." Pope John Paul, Nobel Laureates Bishop
    Desmond Tutu and Elie Weisel, and most recently renowned Turkish
    novelist Orhan Pamuk, all have affirmed the truth. To enhance its
    standing in the international community, to come to terms with its
    genocidal legacy, and for the sake of its evolving democracy, Turkey
    should face the facts of history".