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Clr. Yedelian will move Armenian Genocide Motion at Ryde Council on

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  • Clr. Yedelian will move Armenian Genocide Motion at Ryde Council on


    Sarkis Yedelian, Independent
    Councillor, City of Ryde.
    PO Box 631, Gladesville, NSW 2111, Australia
    Email: [email protected],
    or Alt. Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (02) 9879 4159 , Mobile: 0412 048 330

    _____________________________________________ _______________________________

    Dear Friends,

    As you all know this year marks the 90th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks against its Armenian
    citizens in 1915.It is important that we demonstrate to our Local,
    State and Federal Political leaders that 90 years have not dimmed the
    resolve of Armenians to seek a just and equitable resolution to the
    Armenian question.

    I felt, as being first and only elected Councillor with Armenian
    ancestry in Australia, to pass a motion at Council level specially
    that our Prime Minister John Howard is Ryde residents representative
    in Canberra, through Federal seat of Benellong, hoping of course,
    that he will follow the path of NSW parliament and Ryde Council and
    officially recognise the Armenian Genocide.

    To commemorate this important tragic event in our history, I would
    like to invite you to the Ryde Council Meeting of Tuesday 12 April
    2005 at 7:30 pm at Ryde Council Chambers, 1 Devlin St Top Ryde, 6th

    At Council meeting, I will move the following motion;

    That this Council:

    (1) acknowledges this year as marking the occasion of the 90th
    anniversary commemoration of the Genocide of the Armenians
    perpetrated by the then Ottoman Government between the years

    (2) joins with the Armenian community of Ryde in honouring the
    memory of the 1.5 million men, women and children who died in the
    first genocide of the twentieth century

    (3) recognises 24 April every year as a day of remembrance of the
    Armenian genocide

    (4) condemns the genocide of the Armenians and all other acts of
    genocide committed as the ultimate act of racial, religious and
    cultural intolerance.

    (5) calls on the Commonwealth Government to officially condemn

    (i) the genocide of the Armenians

    (ii) any attempt to deny such crimes against humanity.

    I already did the necessary lobbying and I do not see any problem
    in passing the motion. If any of you are interested to talk on the
    subject on the night please email me so we can coordinate their is
    a time limit of 3min each speaker.

    The procedure is that public can participate at council
    meetings, there is an item on the agenda called "public
    participation on items on the Agenda" public can participate
    in filling in a form which you can find it at the following link or download it
    from ilmtg.doc

    Best regards and Peace to our

    Clr. Sarkis Yedelian

    ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------

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