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Iraqi Catholics Mourn John Paul

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  • Iraqi Catholics Mourn John Paul

    Iraqi Catholics Mourn John Paul
    By Caryle Murphy and Naseer Nouri
    Apr 08, 2005

    BAGHDAD, April 7 -- In a city where churches have been bombed by
    Muslim insurgents and Christians are an imperiled minority, several
    hundred Catholics gathered at St. Joseph's Chaldean Church on Thursday
    to attend a special Mass for Pope John Paul II.

    Under a golden, late afternoon sun, the worshipers passed through a
    protective cordon of red-bereted soldiers from the newly trained,
    mostly Muslim Iraqi army. Inside, amid air smoky with incense,
    a tearful congregation recalled the Polish-born man who had given
    help and hope to Iraq's dwindling Christian communities.

    "The pope won the hearts of everybody because he worked for the
    good of all," said Patriarch Emmanuel III Delly, the head of Iraq's
    Chaldean Catholic Church. John Paul's death "was a loss not only for
    Iraqi Catholics and Christians but indeed it was a loss for the whole
    world," the patriarch said.

    Delly concelebrated the Arabic-language Mass with the heads of three
    other Catholic communities here -- Latin, Armenian and Syrian --
    and a representative of the papal nuncio's office.

    "John Paul II has been very close to Iraqis," Archbishop Jean Sleiman
    of Baghdad's Roman Catholic, or Latin, community said in an interview
    this week. "Christians need a protector, or father, someone who
    protects them, and I think the pope is one who protected them."

    John Paul opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 and criticized the
    U.S.-inspired U.N. sanctions imposed after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990.

    Sleiman and Delly both recalled the pope's disappointment at not
    being able to visit Iraq in 1999. "Officially, the regime said it
    couldn't protect him," Sleiman said, adding that he thought Saddam
    Hussein had been "afraid the pope would have more crowds than him."

    Many in the congregation said it was a service they could not miss,
    despite the violence that makes travel risky in the Iraqi capital.

    "I did not care if it is dangerous to come here today," said a
    government employee who gave only her first name, Haifa. "If I die,
    I will die here in the church with Jesus. When you have a soul of
    faith, it kills every fear inside your body."

    Iraqi soldiers in pickup trucks were stationed several blocks from
    the church in all directions, searching cars, asking for ID cards
    and politely asking anyone not going to the service to take an
    alternative route.

    Most Christians appeared happy with the extensive security. "I feel
    so safe," said Abu Adwar as he walked to the church with his wife
    and two children. "And did you notice that there was no American army
    around? It is a full Iraqi operation."

    Iraq now has an estimated 800,000 Christians, but another 300,000 have
    emigrated since 1991, said Yonadam Kanna, one of six Christians elected
    to Iraq's new National Assembly. Sleiman said his Roman Catholic
    community had 60,000 members before the 1991 Persian Gulf War; now
    it has around 5,000.

    In a display of solidarity, five Shiites, including a black-turbaned
    cleric from Iran, attended the Mass for the pope at St. Joseph's.

    "It is a big honor to come here and join our friends and brothers at
    this service," said the Iranian, Ali Akbar Hakim.

    "We lost a man who was a symbol for peace, justice and faith in the
    world, and we wish that God will replace him with a man like him,"
    Hakim said of the pope. "We wish that God will take him to heaven
    and give his family and friends the patience to withstand this loss."

    Washington Post Staff Writers