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BAKU: Azeri deputy speaker rejects EU recommendations on cooperation

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  • BAKU: Azeri deputy speaker rejects EU recommendations on cooperation

    Azeri deputy speaker rejects EU recommendations on cooperation with Armenia

    Bilik Dunyasi news agency
    7 Apr 05

    Baku, 7 April: The EU expects that the Azerbaijani leadership hold
    free, democratic and fair parliamentary elections [in November] which
    will serve the strengthening of EU-Azerbaijani relations, the British
    ambassador to Azerbaijan, Laurie Bristow, has told the seminar on
    "Azerbaijan's integration into the EU's European Neighbourhood Policy"
    organized in Baku by the EU office in Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus
    parliamentary initiative.

    "Voters must see in parliament the deputies they voted for," he said.

    According to the diplomat, democratic elections in Azerbaijan are
    important to the development of the EU-Azerbaijan cooperation. The
    EU is ready to help Azerbaijan in this, the ambassador said.

    The EU appreciates Azerbaijan's joining the European Neighbourhood
    Policy because it testifies to the country's aspiration to integration
    into Europe, Bristow said. He called on Azerbaijan to maintain closer
    cooperation with other countries of the South Caucasus.

    Members of the Milli Maclis [Azerbaijani parliament] who also took
    part in the seminar expressed their disagreement with a number
    of EU recommendations, namely on the issue of cooperation with
    Armenia. Deputy Speaker Ziyafat Asgarov said it was wrong to urge
    Azerbaijan to cooperate with an aggressor which has occupied 20 per
    cent of Azerbaijani territories.

    International organizations should not turn a blind eye to the fact
    that these territories are used for drug trafficking and that Armenia
    uses the drug money to buy weapons and hamper the restoration of
    stability in the region, Asgarov said.

    The seminar participants urged international organizations to step
    up their efforts towards securing the speediest solution to the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict which impedes the restoration of peace
    and stability in the region and the EU enlargement.