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BAKU: New Iraqi government backs Azerbaijan on Karabakh - envoy

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  • BAKU: New Iraqi government backs Azerbaijan on Karabakh - envoy

    New Iraqi government backs Azerbaijan on Karabakh - envoy

    Ekspress, Baku
    8 Apr 05

    Text of report by Alakbar Raufoglu in Azerbaijani newspaper Ekspress
    on 8 April headlined "Iraqi ambassador Umar Isma'il: 'Even though
    our governments change, our policy does not'"

    "The new Iraqi government supports Azerbaijan's position on the
    Karabakh problem," Iraqi ambassador to Azerbaijan Umar Isma'il has
    told Ekspress.

    "Even though our government has changed, our policy has not. Iraq
    is an Islamic country and will continue to welcome all steps of Baku
    within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,"
    the ambassador said.

    He went on to say that Baghdad appreciates Azerbaijan's support in
    the international fight for Iraq's freedom and that the new government
    wants to closely cooperate with Baku.

    "We pay more attention to the economic, transport and energy
    sectors. But the final steps might be taken after the new government
    is completely formed," he said.

    An economic cooperation accord is being now drawn up between Baku and
    Baghdad. Apart from this, the two countries are looking into ways of
    creating relations in the oil sector.

    The Iraqi transport minister has advised against opening a direct
    flight between Baku and Baghdad for the time being.

    "They say that it is risky but at the same time, there is no problem
    if Azerbaijan wants to launch flights to Baghdad," Umar Isma'il said.

    Touching on the Azerbaijani peacekeepers' activities in Iraq, the
    ambassador said that "they enjoy full security now".

    Moreover, Baghdad still hopes that Azerbaijan will increase its
    contingent in this country. The ambassador said that specific steps
    in this regard will be considered after the new Iraqi government is
    "formed completely".