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BAKU: Text of China-Azerbaijan joint statement on Azeri president'sv

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  • BAKU: Text of China-Azerbaijan joint statement on Azeri president'sv

    Text of China-Azerbaijan joint statement on Azeri president's visit

    Xinhua news agency domestic service, Beijing
    19 Mar 05

    Text of joint statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of
    Azerbaijan issued in Beijing on 19 March carried by official Chinese news
    agency Xinhua (New China News Agency)

    Beijing, 19 March: On 19 March, China and Azerbaijan jointly issued a Joint
    Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Azerbaijan
    signed by Chinese President Hu Jintao and Azeri President Ilham Aliyev. The
    following is the full text of the joint statement:

    Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of

    At the invitation of PRC President Hu Jintao, His Excellency President Ilham
    Aliyev of the Republic of Azerbaijan paid a state visit to the PRC from 17 to
    19 March.

    1. The two sides have pointed out: Peace and development continues
    to be the main theme of the contemporary era; it is also the
    common wish of the peoples of various countries in the world. The
    international community should strengthen consultations, safeguard
    the world's diversity, and promote mutual exchanges and learning
    between different civilizations and development models. The two sides
    advocate establishing a new international political and economic order
    that is peaceful, stable, equitable, and rational on the basis of the
    UN Charter and universally recognized norms of international law and
    support the efforts to strengthen the authority of the United Nations
    and its core role in safeguarding world peace and security and in
    promoting common development, and to advance the diversification of
    development models.

    2. The two sides have pointed out with satisfaction: Thanks to joint
    efforts, the political, economic, and cultural foundations of relations
    between China and Azerbaijan have been further consolidated. China
    and Azerbaijan are willing to strengthen their traditional friendly
    relations, expand exchanges in various fields, cooperate closely on
    international issues, and devote themselves to safeguarding world
    peace and stability.

    3. The two sides emphasized have that reciprocal visits and
    high-level meetings between leaders of the two countries carry
    important significance, and that this tradition should be maintained
    through the conduct of bilateral dialogues and consultations, including
    meetings at the levels of state and government leaders, parliamentary
    leaders, and government ministers, in order to further develop
    political and economic relations and mutual cooperation between the
    two countries. The two sides will devote themselves to expanding and
    perfecting the treaty and legal foundations of bilateral cooperation
    in various fields in accordance with the historically significant
    Joint Statement Concerning the Basis of Friendly Relations Between
    the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which
    was signed on 7 March 1994.

    4. The two sides agree that the governments of the two countries
    should actively take measures to vigorously tap the potential for
    cooperation in the economic and trade fields in order to create
    favourable conditions for further establishing and developing direct
    links between economic entities in the two countries.

    The two sides encourage and support their respective enterprises in
    their efforts to expand cooperation in the field of infrastructure
    for petroleum, petrochemicals, light industry, machinery building,
    agriculture, transportation, and communications on the basis of
    equality and mutual benefit. The Economic Cooperation and Trade
    Committee between the governments of China and Azerbaijan will play
    an active role in this regard. The Chinese side welcomes the Azeri
    side to participate in the great development of western China.

    5. The Chinese side has a high opinion of the achievements scored
    by Az erbaijan since regaining independence in maintaining social
    stability and rapid economic development, and is pleased with the
    achievements in economic cooperation and trade between China and
    Azerbaijan in recent years. The Chinese side supports the Azeri
    side in joining the World Trade Organization [WTO] at the earliest
    possible date, believing that this will be instrumental in enhancing
    the WTO's universal and representative nature and in expanding the
    influence of multilateral trade structures and conducive to cooperation
    between China and Azerbaijan on the basis of common rules. Azerbaijan
    admires the achievements scored by China since it introduced the
    programme of reform and opening up, and recognizes China's full
    market-economy status. The Chinese side is willing to continue to
    support the Azeri side in its efforts to promote national economic
    and social development.

    6. The two sides believe that in order to develop a
    Europe-Caucasus-Asia transportation corridor, it is essential that
    China and Azerbaijan strengthen bilateral and regional cooperation
    with regard to transportation and various conveyances.

    The two sides will encourage relevant agencies in their countries
    to cooperate closely on new projects in the transportation sectors
    in China and Azerbaijan and in carrying out those projects within
    the framework of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
    the Pacific, in accordance with The Intergovernmental Agreement on
    the Asian Highway Network, and within the framework of the plan to
    develop a cross-Asia transportation network.

    7. The two sides support expanding and perfecting cooperation in
    the cultural field between the two countries and strengthening
    cultural, educational, scientific, tourism, sports, and information
    exchanges. The two sides will earnestly implement the various
    agreements they have signed; carry out diverse forms of activities,
    such as exchanges of youth and university students, the popularization
    of languages, the training of experts, and exchanges of teaching
    programmes; encourage colleges and universities as well as scientific
    research institutes in the two countries to establish direct contacts;
    and promote increased contacts between local and nongovernmental
    organizations in the two countries.

    The two sides will work hard to expand cooperation between the two
    countries in the banking and financial industries and in carrying
    out joint investment projects.

    The two sides will foster and expand bilateral, regional and
    international cooperation in environmental protection.

    The two sides will maintain and expand exchanges and cooperation in the
    military sphere. These exchanges and cooperation serve the security
    interests of the two countries and do not violate the international
    obligations of the two countries.

    8. The two sides offer positive assessments of cooperation between
    the two countries in the United Nations and its affiliated agencies
    as well as in other international and regional organizations, and
    are willing to continue to strengthen consultations on bilateral,
    international, and regional issues of common concern.

    9. The Azeri side reiterates that there is only one China in the
    world, that the PRC Government is the sole legitimate government
    representing all of China, and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of
    Chinese territory. The Azeri side reiterates that it will not establish
    official ties in any form or engage in any exchanges of an official
    nature with Taiwan and that it opposes any attempts to create "two
    Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" as well as "Taiwan independence"
    in any form. The Azeri side understands and supports China's efforts
    to oppose and curb "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, to bring
    about the country's peaceful reunification, and to safeguard peace
    and stability in the Taiwan Strait and in the Asia-Pacific region,
    including the passage of the Anti-Secession Law by the Chinese National
    People's Congress. The Chinese side thinks highly of this position
    of the Azeri side.

    10. The two sides stress that existing and growing terrorism,
    separatism and extremism have seriously threatened the security of
    sovereign countries as well as security and stability on a global
    scale and that only joint efforts will lead to effective prevention.

    The two sides support bilateral and multilateral cooperation in
    responding to new global challenges and threats, including cooperation
    in combating international terrorism, drug trafficking, precursor
    chemicals, smuggling, money laundering, cross-border organized crime,
    human smuggling and illicit trading in arms.

    The two sides condemn with one voice and resolutely oppose any forms
    of terrorism, separatism and extremism and are willing to strengthen
    cooperation in combating these "three forces" within the framework of
    the UN Charter and international treaties on combating terrorism, and
    to support cooperation by relevant departments in the two countries.

    11. The Chinese side reiterates its support for the Republic of
    Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial integrity, calls for abiding
    by the resolution passed by the UN Security Council regarding the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, advocates peaceful resolution of the
    conflict, and supports the international community in making efforts
    in this connection.

    12. Both sides advocate dialogue and cooperation in the realm of
    international human rights and oppose double standards in international
    politics. The two sides are committed to enhancing mutual understanding
    through consultations and exchanges on human rights, strengthening
    mutual support and cooperation on human rights on a multilateral basis
    and jointly advancing the healthy development of bilateral relations
    and the cause of international human rights.

    13. During the visit, the two sides signed the following documents:

    The Extradition Treaty of the People's Republic of China and
    the Republic of Azerbaijan; the Memorandum on the Provision of
    Technical Assistance by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
    People's Republic of China to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan; the Agreement on Economic Cooperation and
    Trade Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the
    Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan; the Agreement on Economic
    and Technological Cooperation Between the Government of the People's
    Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
    the Agreement Between the Government of the People's Republic of
    China and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Avoiding
    Double Taxation on Income and Preventing Tax Evasion; the Agreement
    on Mutual Assistance in Customs Affairs Between the Government of
    the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of
    Azerbaijan; the Protocol on Cultural Cooperation in the Years From
    2005 to 2009 Between the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic
    of China and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
    the Agreement on Cooperation in Youth Affairs Between the All-China
    Youth Federation and the Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Tourism of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan; the Agreement on Cooperation Between China
    Central Television and the Azerbaijan National Television and Radio
    Broadcasting Company; the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation
    Between the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic
    of China and the Ministry of Communications and Information of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan; the Agreement on Cooperation Between the China
    Olympics Committee and the Azerbaijan National Olympics Committee;
    and the Agreement on Cooperation Between the Ministry of Justice of
    the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Justice of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan.

    14. The two sides indicate that maintaining and developing friendship
    and cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the
    Republic of Azerbaijan is not directed against any third country,
    nor is it aimed at hurting the interests of a third country.

    [Signed by] Hu Jintao

    President of the People's Republic of China

    [Signed by] Ilham Aliyev

    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

    [Dated] 17 March 2005, Beijing