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There Will Be Result By All Means

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  • There Will Be Result By All Means


    | 20:44:13 | 08-04-2005 | Social |


    The action in defense of «A1+» is continuing. AT present more than 1700
    signatures are collected, more than 300 people rake part in the action every
    day. By the way, not only people with oppositional views come to sign. For
    example, a man from the President's workgroup also signed. And today
    Vladimir Badalyan, delegate of the Kentron community, and head of the
    community Gagik Beglaryan visited the place. And also they are both for the
    reopening of «A1+» they did not sign.

    Every day in the grove opposite the Conservatoire exclusive video materials
    are shown which were filmed by «A1+» but had no opportunity of showing.
    During the showing of films the quantity of the people rises. By the way,
    the tendency of the rising quantity of people is felt which testifies to the
    fact that people were simply ignorant of the action as the television almost
    did not highlight it.

    Now the people concerned with the protection of the buildings under the
    state care have joined the action. A photo-exhibition has also been
    organized; the deconstructed building of the North Avenue and the homeless
    people are shown.

    The participants of the action are mainly young people, the active mass,
    and, as Isabella Sargsyan, member of the Committee «In defense of «A1+»
    noted, also such people whom we have not seen during public events. «But
    there is not informational source to inform that there is such a thing,
    people do not know that the action is continuing, the TV company is showing
    that», said Isabella Sargsyan.

    At this point she considers the action successful. «I do not know how it
    will serve our aim but we must do something in order to be able to claim
    before your friends and your conscience that instead of sitting and
    complaining you yourself have taken a step. I think that even if the action
    has no results, the main result is that the people come out of their houses
    and come to vote».
