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Contradictory Approaches

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  • Contradictory Approaches


    | 15:16:50 | 09-04-2005 | Politics |


    Former head of Nor-Nork community, to date deputy Mkrtich Minasyan
    considers that the authorities of the local self-government bodies
    should be extended as the main principles of the state are formation
    of state system do not contrast.

    Mkrtich Minasyan says that the local community council should be given
    the authority to express distrust to the head of the community. Despite
    some attempts took place no single community head was dismissed in this
    way. He does not share the opinion that the appointed body should keep
    under control an elective one. «They should be separated: the governor
    of the region (marzpet) is the body of territorial government while the
    local self-government is a separate public body with its property, the
    activity of which is regulated by the Constitution and acting laws. It
    seems to us that there is a vertical structure called government
    -marzpetaran-community but it is not so. It is horizontal structure
    and there are responsibilities entrusted to the local self-government
    bodies while marzpetaran is only to control the activities.

    According Mkrtich Minasyan the most optimal drafts of constitutional
    amendments in regards to the local self-government bodies are submitted
    by the coalition and People's Deputy group. Head of Kentron community
    Gagik Beglaryan holds quite an opposite opinion. When we asked him to
    express attitude to this issues he invited us to the community office,
    where we met about 50 people in the waiting room. Not sufficiently
    provided resident of the community turned to Beglaryan with various

    In the words of Gagik Beglaryan, the people are directly communicating
    with the community head however the latter does not possess the
    authority or instruments as the major part of the budget was formed
    two years ago when the city community was empowered to collect the
    property tax. According to him, 100 million AMD is annually paid to
    the citizens out of the property tax. Beglaryan considers that the
    Mayor of Yerevan should be elected while head of the city communities
    - appointed, as they are to be functionaries. The Mayor, who is well
    familiarized with the concerns of his electorate, should govern. If the
    city is too big for governing and the Mayor elected by the residents
    can become a counterbalance to the President the borders of the city
    can be cut and the outskirts of the city can be transformed into
    suburbs. Gagik Beglaryan is convinced that democratization should
    start with the strengthening of the local self-government and the
    formation of the local community council as the counterbalance.

    Diana Markosyan
