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Armenian official notes positive immigration trend

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  • Armenian official notes positive immigration trend

    Armenian official notes positive immigration trend

    Iravunk, Yerevan
    8 Apr 05

    Excerpt from a Syuzi Melkonyan report by Armenian newspaper Iravunk on
    8 April headlined "There is no immigration"

    An interview with chief of the Migration and Refugees Department Gagik

    [Correspondent] Have you got any information about those who left and
    arrived in Armenia in 2004?

    [Gagik Yeganyan] Since 1992, there have been three stages of the
    outflow of Armenian residents. The first stage was in 1992-95 when a
    large number of residents left the country. About 800,000 left Armenia
    in the three years. Of them, 400,000 came back and 400,000 remained

    The second stage started in 1995 and lasted till 2001. The peculiarity
    of this stage was that the negative migration indicator fell and stood
    at 80,000.

    In the third stage that began in 2002 and has been continuing up to
    day, the negative migration indicator has been continuing to fall. In
    2002, 3,000 left the country, 10,000 migrated in 2003, and for the
    first time, we had positive figures in 2004. The number of those
    arriving in the country exceeded the number of those who left by

    Thus, passenger traffic continued rising. In comparison with 2000, it
    rose by 70 per cent in 2004.

    [Correspondent] How realistic are these figures?

    [Yeganyan] We have a simple calculation. All the seven border crossing
    points give us information about the number of those who cross the

    [Correspondent] What countries do the Armenians mainly go to?

    [Yeganyan] The overwhelming majority, about 65-70 per cent, have gone
    to Russia, others to other CIS countries: Ukraine and Belarus; about
    7-10 per cent are leaving for the USA, Europe and other countries.

    [Passage omitted: Yeganyan says an agreement has been signed with
    Qatar allowing Armenian nurses to work in that country]