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The blackest page of history

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  • The blackest page of history

    Ha'aretz, Israel
    April 11 2005

    The blackest page of history

    By Yair Auron

    "United States Diplomacy on the Bosphorus: The Diaries of Ambassador
    Henry Morgenthau, 1913-1916," Gomidas Institute, Princeton & London,
    500 pages

    "United States Official Records on the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1917"
    edited by Ara Sarafian, Gomidas Institute, Princeton & London, 706

    "Lawyer, Ambassador, Statesman: The Memoirs of Abram I. Elkus,"
    Gomidas Institute, Princeton & London, 122 pages

    On June 19, 1915, as the genocide of the Armenians reached a peak,
    Henry Morgenthau, the U.S. ambassador to Turkey, penned a letter to
    his son: "The ruin and devastation that is being wrought here is
    heart-rending. The government is using its present opportunity while
    all other countries are at war, to obliterate the Armenian race, and
    the worst of it is that it is impossible to stop it. ... The United
    States as a neutral power has no right to interfere in their internal
    affairs, and as I receive report after report of the inhuman
    treatment that the Armenians are receiving, it makes me feel most
    sad. Their lot seems to be very much the same as that of the Jews in
    Russia, and belonging to a persecuted race myself, I have all the
    more sympathy with them."

    Almost 30 years later, on January 16, 1944, Henry Morgenthau, the
    son, U.S. secretary of the treasury during World War II, met with
    President Roosevelt to discuss "the problem of the remaining Jews in
    Europe." Not only was the State Department ineffectual in its
    treatment of the problem, said Morgenthau, but it was "actually
    taking action to prevent the rescue of the Jews." He was convinced
    that "affective action" could be taken, citing the success of his
    father, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., in saving the lives of Armenians when
    he was ambassador to Turkey.

    These brief quotes from the protocol of the meeting between
    Morgenthau, Jr. and Roosevelt illustrate how important it is that
    these diaries are finally being published today, 90 years after the
    genocide. How the world acted before and after the massacre of the
    Armenians in Turkey is critical for our understanding of the
    circumstances that enable genocide to happen. We need reminding that
    genocide is possible only when the balance of power between the
    victims and the murderers is such that the murderers enjoy absolute
    superiority. And this depends to a large extent on the actions of the
    "third party," by which we mean the rest of the world.

    This third party can be schematically divided into three groups:
    those who help the murderers, those who help the victims and those
    who stand on the sidelines and do nothing. Morgenthau, Sr. was the
    man who urged the U.S. not to stand there and gape, but to do all it
    could to contribute to the rescue effort. Morgenthau tried to talk to
    the Turkish rulers, but never got very far because a neutral power
    like the U.S. had no right to intervene in another country's internal
    affairs, as he explained to his son.

    It is worth pointing out that formally, at least, this state of
    affairs has changed since the Holocaust, thanks to the Convention on
    the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the
    United Nations in 1948. According to this convention, intervention in
    cases of genocide is not only a right, but a duty. But this has not
    kept genocide from happening, because the world is still reluctant to

    While the genocide was going on, Morgenthau wrote in his diary, and
    in numerous memos submitted to the U.S. Secretary of State, Robert
    Lansing - some of which have now been made public for the first time
    - that the "persecution of Armenians is assuming unprecedented
    proportions. Reports from widely scattered districts indicate a
    systematic attempt to uproot peaceful Armenian populations and
    through arbitrary efforts, terrible tortures, wholesale expulsions
    and deportations from one end of the Empire to the other, accompanied
    by frequent instances of rape, pillage and murder, turning into
    massacre, to bring destruction and destitution on them."

    Personal shock

    Morgenthau writes of many talks with the grand vizier, Said Halim
    Pasha, his interior minister, Talat Pasha, and his war minister,
    Anwar Pasha, but these came to nothing. Morgenthau was convinced that
    the only country that might assist in lessening these atrocities was
    Turkey's ally, Germany. He approached the German ambassador in
    Turkey, but was under no illusions. "I believe [the embassy] will
    simply content itself with giving advice and formal protest probably
    intended for the record, to cover itself from future responsibility,"
    he wrote.

    Morgenthau was clearly the driving spirit behind the rescue effort,
    but his writings also provide vital source material for documenting
    and studying the Armenian genocide, which the Turks, until today,
    deny ever happened. To our great shame, Israel has helped them in
    this act of denial, as have academics around the world, including
    several Israelis. Morgenthau knew what was happening from thousands
    of reports filed by American consuls and missionaries working in
    various parts of the Ottoman Empire, and he documented and passed on
    this information in real time, out of a deep sense of personal shock
    and horror.

    Arriving in Constantinople in November 1913, Morgenthau kept a diary
    that he filled with accounts of his official duties, his social life
    as an ambassador, his personal affairs, his humanitarian endeavors on
    behalf of Turkish soldiers and citizens wounded in the war, and his
    efforts to stop the brutal attacks on the Armenians.

    Some of this material is incorporated in a book published in 1918,
    "Ambassador Morgenthau's Story," where he portrays the Armenian
    genocide as "the greatest crime in modern history" and observes that
    "among the blackest pages of modern history, this is the blackest of
    them all." "I am confident that the whole history of the human race
    contains no such horrible episodes as this," he writes in hindsight.

    Morgenthau's diaries, however, are a valuable source of firsthand
    information composed in real time. Together with the recently
    published "United States Official Records on the Armenian Genocide,
    1915-1917," they offer a clear picture of what the U.S. government
    knew. Hence their importance for understanding genocide in general,
    and the circumstances that would enable such a thing to happen. The
    "Official Records on the Armenian Genocide" consists of memos filed
    on a daily basis, informing the U.S. Secretary of State and President
    Woodrow Wilson of the efforts to rescue as many Armenians as possible
    and the obstacles that faced the rescuers along the way.

    These books should be required reading for anyone researching World
    War I, American diplomacy, the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian
    genocide. The university libraries in Israel contain very few volumes
    on the history of the Armenian genocide, and those available are
    chiefly books by Turks who deny that it happened. These new
    publications help somewhat to set the record straight.

    Worthy of mention here is the Gomidas Institute, cofounded by the
    young British-Armenian historian Ara Sarafian, which specializes in
    publishing collections of documents, meticulously edited, with an
    introduction and annotations that make the work accessible to
    contemporary readers. To date, the institute has managed to scrape
    together funding to publish 10 volumes - a very important
    contribution to the desperate and sometimes frustrating battle of the
    Armenians and their friends to win recognition of their national

    `Never again'

    One sad example: During the same week that the world marked the 60th
    anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, constantly repeating the
    refrain "never again," and "we have learned our lesson," the state of
    Brandenburg in Germany caved in to Turkish pressure and deleted half
    a sentence about the Armenian genocide from a 10th-grade textbook on
    the history of World War I. It was the only textbook in Germany that
    even mentioned the genocide.

    Morgenthau's diaries have now been joined by another memoir. This one
    is by Abram I. Elkus, who succeeded Morgenthau as U.S. ambassador to
    Turkey in 1916-1917. Elkus was also Jewish, and he made no effort to
    hide it. He, too, worked tirelessly on behalf of the Armenians,
    possibly identifying with their suffering because he knew, as a Jew,
    what it was like to be an underdog.

    Morganthau and Elkus, as we see from their books, were of great
    assistance to the Yishuv - the pre-state Jewish community in
    Palestine - which found itself in dire straits during World War I.
    What saved the Jews in Palestine from a fate similar to that of the
    Armenians is very much a matter of debate. Was it the intervention of
    the U.S., largely through the auspices of Morgenthau and Elkus? The
    actions taken by Germany? The public outcry that the Jews managed to
    arouse? Was it the docile behavior of the Jews, as opposed to what
    the Turks perceived as Armenian rebelliousness? Maybe the Turks had
    no intention of wiping out the Jewish Yishuv in Palestine, or maybe
    they wanted to, toward the end of the war, but by that time, they

    The work of the two American ambassadors on behalf of the Yishuv has
    not been sufficiently studied, perhaps because Morgenthau was not a
    Zionist and did not regard Zionism as a solution to the Jewish
    problem. Nevertheless, he was instrumental in arranging passage for
    refugees on American ships that sailed between Beirut, Jaffa,
    Alexandria and Constantinople. Morgenthau maintained close ties with
    the Jewish community in Turkey and representatives of the World
    Zionist Organization such as Victor Jacobson and Richard Lichtheim.
    He helped Hashomer leaders Manya and Israel Shochat, who were
    arrested and exiled to Turkey by the Ottomans. Morgenthau intervened
    to keep them from being sent to east Turkey. He ordered the U.S.
    consul to visit them every Sunday and send him a report on how they
    were faring.

    "The local authorities and top echelons in Constantinople knew about
    the consul's visits to us," wrote Israel Shochat in his memoirs, "and
    I am convinced that this is what saved us from torture, harassment
    and possibly even death." Ambassador Elkus continued in this vein.

    Yishuv connection

    The comments made about them by members of the Yishuv during World
    War I are enlightening. Avshalom Feinberg of the intelligence ring,
    Nili, wrote about the Armenian genocide in a letter to Henrietta
    Szold, secretary of the Experimental Station in Atlit, headed by Nili
    chief Aaron Aaronsohn, in October 1915. In this letter, he also
    mentions Morgenthau:

    "Allow me at this point to pay honor to your country. I must say that
    without American Jewry we would not have been able now to survive in
    Palestine. Both the U.S. and our people were represented in these
    dark days - decisive days, I would say - in the most glorious and
    valuable manner by Ambassador Morgenthau. Does it not seem that
    Divine Providence has helped us, this time, by placing this man in
    this position at this moment? He knew brilliantly how to bring honor
    to his country and to his origins, and it goes without saying that he
    will forever deserve the thanks of his people. It is fair to say that
    this man has entered human history through the front door, by virtue
    of his approach to the defense of the Armenians. In his defense of
    the Armenians he acted not only as a brave American and the valuable
    ambassador of a great nation. He also gave of himself."

    Feinberg goes on to say that the Egyptian newspapers announced
    Morgenthau's commitment of $2 million to aid the Armenians. "This
    constitutes a rousing rebuttal of the petty aphorism that `charity
    begins at home,'" he writes. "We can only support and applaud these
    millions, which will ease the suffering of the Armenian victims whose
    plight may become ours tomorrow. ... It is a touching and uplifting
    sight, that a son of such an impoverished people should be the first
    to offer aid to another wretched people, with whom we have no ties of
    blood, faith or tradition. Is not the nobility here even greater?"

    Prof. Yair Auron is the author of "The Banality of Indifference:
    Zionism and the Armenian Genocide" and "The Banality of Denial:
    Israel and the Armenian Genocide," both published by Transaction. His
    new book, "The Pain of Knowledge: Holocaust and Genocide Issues in
    Education," will be coming out this month. ContrassID=11&sbSubContrassID=0&listSrc=Y