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ANKARA: US Fury on 'Anti-Americanism' in Turkey

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  • ANKARA: US Fury on 'Anti-Americanism' in Turkey

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    April 11 2005

    US Fury on 'Anti-Americanism' in Turkey
    View: Dr. Ihsan BAL

    Every day an article appears in US media about Turkey which accuses
    Turkish government and media of conspiring about America and feeding
    anti Americanism in Turkey. According to neo-con American media and
    think-tanks, majority of Turkish people have become anti-American in
    recent years and this trend is rising day by day. According to the
    neo-cons Turkish people have become anti American because Turkish
    government is Islamic and Turkish media, particularly Islamic one,
    steaming hatred against Americans in Turkey.

    Those assumptions need clarification and close examination.

    First of all, do Turkish people hate Americans? There has been number
    of surveys conducted recently in Turkey to find out what the reality
    is. According to very recent survey which was conducted by Poll Mark
    Company, Turkish people do not hate Americans but overwhelming
    majority of the Turkish people do not approve President George W.
    Bush's policies. According to the Poll Mark Survey, % 81.5 of
    respondents is not happy about Bush's policies compare to only % 5.6
    approves president Bush. On the other hand, % 64 of respondents has
    no problem for choosing an American neighbor in next door. This is a
    very significant result, considering that Turkish people are very
    choosy about their neighbors. Poll Mark finds out another significant
    result by asking marriage preference: In Turkey marriage parameters
    are very important to find out public attitude and feelings. It won't
    be exaggeration if one suggests that Turks are obsessed about their
    marriage preferences in particular they do not allow their children
    to marry with foreigners. With these in mind % 37.3 of respondents do
    not mind getting married with Americans. This is very high percent,
    even regional preferences inside Turkey plays a big role in terms of

    Another public poll conducted by Ankara-based Turkish think tank ISRO
    (International Strategic Research Organization) indicates that 74 %
    of Turkish people still perceive US as a `strategic ally'. Only 16 %
    of the whole contenders defined themselves as `anti American', but a
    timid 4 % of the respondents dislike American people. Consequently,
    it is clear that Turkish people do not hate American people, but anti
    Americanism is slightly higher compared to former. The most
    significant result of the survey is about George W. Bush's policies,
    where 91 % of respondents disapprove Bush's policies, compared to the
    previous president Bill Clinton who has a 49 % full (41 %) and
    partially (8 %) approval rate. ISRO Survey also confirms that Bill
    Clinton had the highest approval with 69 % regarding world peace and
    security. It can be argued that Turkish people are concerned about
    American foreign policies (particularly regarding Turkey and the
    region) and their attitudes are shaped in the light of these
    policies. It is obvious that the some US analysts about Turkey are on
    wrong track in suggesting that there is a widespread anti American
    feelings in Turkey. Also as a clear indication of the misjudgments of
    some American analysts about `anti Americanism in Turkey' is the
    survey result on the reason of opposition to the American policies
    where 75 % of the respondents see the biggest problem to
    Turkish-American relations is the American attitude towards PKK
    terror organization in Northern Iraq.

    There is no widespread anti Americanism in Turkey, however there is a
    level of hostile feelings against American administration. This
    feeling has been fueled by American policies towards the PKK and most
    recently the assumptions of use of Armenian allegations as a carrot
    and stick policy against Turkey.

    One must realize that the problem between Turkey and US is not
    cultural, social, economic and `love and hate relation' between the
    communities but Turkish public's disapproval of the US government
    policies. When this relationship is understood from this perspective
    and analyzed in this ground, than there is a real chance to work on
    and build a stable and sustainable relationship between two parties.
    So what the Turkish people does not like about Bush's polices? First
    one is American tolerance to radical Kurds. Every public survey
    evidently put the former president Bill Clinton top of the polls as
    Turkey's friend in contrast to president Bush on bottom of the polls
    in Turkey. So what is the different? President Clinton did what a
    strategic ally would do and help Turkey to apprehend PKK terror
    organization leader Abdullah Öcalan. On the other hand President Bush
    prevented Turkey to carry out military operation against this
    notorious terror organization and although Turkey has fully supported
    American declaration of `war against terrorism' and send a military
    personnel to Afghanistan. Turkey did not fully cooperate with the US
    over Iraq where many European countries also did not cooperate with
    US. However Turkey did a lot for Bush administration even in Iraqi
    case; every day thousands of Turkish lorry drivers traveled to war
    zone with the expense of endangering their life, many Turkish
    businessmen and workers also supported the US with their very needy
    logistics, and Turkey also opened her air corridor to US planes, just
    to mention a few amongst so many.

    Ironically Bush administration is not satisfied with these afford and
    many Turkish people believes that Turkey is being punished for not
    helping the US in its invasion of Iraq. On the one hand Bush
    administration is so keen on democracy; on the other hand they are
    not happy with democratically elected governments' policies.
    Democracy needs more effort to convince your counterpart over your
    policies. Relationship between democracies is also must be based on
    common benefit rather than dictating one sides policy.

    Some American intellectuals need to look at the cultural, social and
    historical backgrounds of the Turkish people to understand the public
    tendency towards Americans and US administration. For this respect,
    authors whom writing about Turkey and analyzing the Turkish public
    must bear in mind that, there is not such overwhelming hatred towards
    any nation in Turkish history. Through out the Turkish history there
    has been coexistence, tolerance and harmony in Anatolia. Turkish
    civilization is also one of the best examples of different nations
    living together in peaceful manner looking back to Balkans, Caucasus
    and Middle East. Therefore a nation with these characteristics and
    background may never show any sign of hatred. Even the timid anti
    American group is the result of deaf and blind virtues of American

    Another point to be noted is that the Turkish government has made
    great efforts to normalize Turkish-American relations since the Iraq
    War while the US Government just accuses the Turkish Government and
    media. The American image in Turkey could not be restored by just
    blaming Turkish public, government and media. The Americans need to
    listen what Turks say. They do not hate the Americans, but they
    disapprove the Americans deal with the Middle East and Turkey. This
    is a best outcome of Turkish democratic experience and richness, as
    US has been trying to promote and mention as a model Muslim

    11 April 2005