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Armenia, Russia parliament chiefs to discuss cooperation

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  • Armenia, Russia parliament chiefs to discuss cooperation

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    April 11, 2005 Monday 8:04 PM Eastern Time

    Armenia, Russia parliament chiefs to discuss cooperation

    By Tigran Liloyan


    Prospects for inter-parliamentary cooperation between Armenia and
    Russia are to be discussed in Moscow on Tuesday by an Armenian
    parliament delegation, led by Artur Bagdasaryan, Speaker of the
    National Assembly, an official in the parliament press service has
    told Itar-Tass here.

    During an official visit, to be made at the invitation of the
    leadership of the State Duma lower house of the Russian parliament,
    the Armenian delegation is to meet with Russian Prime Minister
    Mikhail Fradkov, Sergei Mironov, Speaker of the Federation Council
    (FC) upper house of parliament, and Boris Gryzlov, Speaker of the
    State Duma.

    The delegation members are also to have a conversation with Igor
    levitin, Russian Minister of Transport and co-chairman of the
    inter-govenrmental commission for economic cooperation between the
    Russian Federation and Armenia.

    On Wednesday, the Armenian delegation will proceed on its way to St
    Petersburg to attend the 25th plenary session of the CIS
    Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and an international scientific forum
    dedicated to the 60th anniversary on the WWII Victory-in-Europe Day.