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Armenia-Germany-Council of Europe

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  • Armenia-Germany-Council of Europe

    AZG Armenian Daily #064, 12/04/2005



    Cooperation in Urban Construction Sphere

    Various officials have often touched upon the issue of the urban
    construction in the capital and in the republic as a whole. There are many
    problems in this sphere that are mainly caused by the fact that there is no
    general layout, at present. The majority of 930 RA communities doesn't have
    this main document for urban construction.

    It has been already a year that RA Urban Construction Ministry is
    cooperating with the German Transport and Construction Ministry in order to
    elaborate the models of the general layouts of the dwelling places. A two
    day's conference was held within the framework of the abovementioned
    cooperation, recently. The conference was entitled "National, Regional and
    Local Stable Territorial Development of Armenia."

    Ruzan Alaverdian, RA deputy urban construction minister, emphasized that the
    general layouts of 12 communities were submitted for the competition
    announced within the framework of the conference. Iris Gleicke,
    parliamentary state secretary of German Transport and Construction Ministry,
    said that each of the layouts deserved a prize, but it's impossible to award
    prizes to everyone. She added that the German government is glad to help
    Armenia in its integration to Europe, as well as in its determination to use
    the contemporary norms of urban construction and stable territorial

    The German side will allocate 100 000 Euros to achieve these goals. It's
    worth mentioning that the cooperation is carried out within the framework of
    the European ministerial conference of regional-territorial planning of 45
    CE member countries.

    Aram Harutyunian, RA urban construction minister, informed that, as a
    probation project, they are going to restore the historical exterior of one
    street in Goris, Martouni and Ashtarak towns.

    By the way, the program includes preservation and reconstruction of
    historical-cultural buildings and monuments. This last factor is extremely
    actual today.

    By Nana Petrosian