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Glendale: Ex-mayor upstages his successor: Yousefian wed at meeting

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  • Glendale: Ex-mayor upstages his successor: Yousefian wed at meeting

    Los Angeles Daily News, CA
    April 12 2005

    Ex-mayor upstages his successor

    Yousefian wed at meeting

    By Alex Dobuzinskis, Staff Writer

    GLENDALE -- The Glendale City Council appointed Rafi Manoukian as
    mayor on Monday, but it was outgoing Mayor Bob Yousefian who stole
    the show by marrying his fiancee in front of a capacity crowd at City
    This will be Manoukian's second term as mayor. The 44-year-old
    accountant served a one-year term as mayor from 2002-03.

    "It is largely symbolic, but it does also have some challenges in
    terms of leading the city and setting the pace for the city,"
    Manoukian said.

    A year ago, Yousefian surprised the crowd when he proposed to his
    girlfriend, Sue Eller, 44, during the ceremony marking his move into
    the mayor's chair.

    "Everyone has been bugging us: When is the date? When is the date?
    When is the date? Well, I've got news for you, today is the date,"
    Yousefian said before stepping down to the public speaker's podium to
    slip a wedding ring on his fiancee's finger.

    Archbishop Hovnan Derderian of the Western Diocese of the Armenian
    Church of North America presided over the ceremony, which was
    concluded at City Hall but begun in a Glendale church before the

    After the wedding, Yousefian asked Councilman David Weaver if he had
    managed to top his surprise announcement from last year.

    "Never again will you see this happen in the council chambers. You
    topped it," Weaver said.

    In taking over as mayor, Manoukian remarked that Yousefian had faced
    challenges and tragedy during the year, including a battle over the
    Americana at Brand project and the fatal Metrolink crash in February.
    Before the meeting, Yousefian said it had been a busy year, and he
    looked forward to handing over the mayor's gavel.

    "I have never seen anything like this. There were so many different
    things that we had to accomplish this year, and there were a lot of
    difficult issues we had to deal with," Yousefian said.

    Manoukian said he will revive his Coffee with Rafi program, giving
    Glendale residents the chance to come talk to him the first Thursday
    of the month at the Glendale farmers market.

    "For me, the work starts with being accessible to the community.
    That's the most important part, I think," he said.

    Several newly elected and re-elected officials took the oath of
    office at Monday's ceremony, including new City Councilman Ara
    Najarian, who received the most votes of any council member in last
    week's election. Najarian's brother, Rafi Najarian, 39, an Air Force
    base dental surgeon who has served in Iraq, led the audience in the
    Pledge of Allegiance to open the meeting.