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Armenian deputy speaker proposes single package of constitutional

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  • Armenian deputy speaker proposes single package of constitutional

    Armenian deputy speaker proposes single package of constitutional changes

    Mediamax news agency, Yerevan
    11 Apr 05


    The deputy speaker of the Armenian National Assembly, Tigran Torosyan,
    stated in Yerevan today that it is necessary to elaborate a single
    package of constitutional amendments.

    Speaking at the National Press Club today, Tigran Torosyan said that
    the single package of constitutional amendments "will make it possible
    to avoid political collisions and unhealthy signs at such a vital
    moment for the country", Mediamax news agency reports.

    The temporary parliamentary commission on issues of European
    integration headed by Tigran Torosyan last week completed the
    discussion of three draft constitutional amendments prepared by the
    ruling coalition, the United Labour Party and opposition MP Arshak

    The deputy speaker ruled out the possibility of combining the
    referendum on constitutional amendments with the local government
    elections scheduled for autumn.

    Mediamax recalled that during a meeting on 8 April with members of the
    commission coordinating the process of implementing Armenia's
    commitments to the Council of Europe, Armenian President Robert
    Kocharyan said that the process of constitutional reforms should not
    slow down and stated that it is necessary to draw up the final option
    "with a high degree of mutual coordination".