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BAKU: Pakistani leader vows to back Azerbaijan "at all levels"

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  • BAKU: Pakistani leader vows to back Azerbaijan "at all levels"

    Pakistani leader vows to back Azerbaijan "at all levels"

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
    12 Apr 05

    The Azerbaijani and Pakistani leaders made a brief statement for the
    media some time ago.

    Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said that Islamabad has always
    backed Azerbaijan on the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh problem
    and that this support will continue at all levels. Mr Musharraf
    stressed that Azerbaijan had a fair position on the conflict.

    He added that the meeting with his Azerbaijani counterpart also
    discussed boosting bilateral economic ties and joint projects.

    President Ilham Aliyev highly rated the fact that Pakistan backs
    Azerbaijan's position. He regretted that the UN resolutions [on
    Karabakh] had not been implemented so far and said that there were no
    mechanisms for implementing them.

    The president praised Pakistan's role in the antiterror fight and said
    that Azerbaijan had been subjected to Armenian terror and that the
    international community should not remain indifferent to this issue.

    The president said that the terms good and bad terrorists are used
    sometimes, but this is wrong and unacceptable.