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FM accuses Turkey of failure to show tolerance to genocide issue

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  • FM accuses Turkey of failure to show tolerance to genocide issue

    Armenian minister accuses Turkey of failure to show tolerance to genocide

    Mediamax news agency
    13 Apr 05


    Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan has expressed indignation at
    the fact that "in the run-up to the 90th anniversary of the Armenian
    genocide, Turkey has failed to take a tolerant position, and moreover,
    is trying to 'counterattack'".

    Speaking at a briefing in Yerevan today, the Armenian foreign minister
    said that "Turkey is trying not only to brazenly rewrite its own
    history but also wants to convince other countries". This is how
    Vardan Oskanyan commented on Ankara's intention to appeal to the
    British government to proclaim as not corresponding to reality the
    facts presented in the so called Blue Book which was written back in
    1916 and which serves as a main source of information on the Armenian

    "I am sure that this policy will boomerang against the Turkish
    authorities," Vardan Oskanyan said, stressing that these actions of
    Ankara "are only strengthening our determination to achieve
    international recognition of the Armenian genocide".

    The Armenian foreign minister expressed confidence that the issue of
    recognition of the Armenian genocide will be on the agenda of the
    talks on Turkey's admission to the European Union, which will start in
    October. "This issue may not become an official precondition,
    nevertheless, beyond all doubt it will be touched on during the
    talks," Vardan Oskanyan said.

    The Armenian foreign minister said that Yerevan views the issue of
    recognition of the Armenian genocide in the context of ensuring
    Armenia's security.

    "Unless this country, which has major military potential and occupies
    an openly pro-Azerbaijani position in the settlement of the Nagornyy
    Karabakh conflict, recognizes the Armenian genocide, we cannot trust
    it and feel secure," Vardan Oskanyan said.