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Turkish official against German parliament's Armenia bill

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  • Turkish official against German parliament's Armenia bill

    Turkish official against German parliament's Armenia bill

    Anatolia news agency, Ankara
    13 Apr 05

    Text of report in English by Turkish news agency Anatolia; suheadings
    inserted editorially

    Berlin, 13 April: Yasar Yakis, the chairman of the Parliamentary
    Commission for EU Adjustment, said on Wednesday [13 April] that the
    Armenian bill which was brought to the agenda of the German federal
    parliament by the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) would not be

    Yakis and the members of the Turkish parliamentary commission who are
    in Berlin met with the representatives of Turkish nongovernmental
    organizations the same day.

    Speaking in the meeting about the bill prepared by CDU defending
    Armenian claims of genocide, Yakis said that "certainly we can't
    interfere with the things wanted to be done by the political parties
    in Germany. But we try to explain the fact that the Armenian bill will
    not be useful either for Turkish-German/Turkish-Armenian relations or
    CDU party."

    "I read the bill which is full of misinformation. In my opinion
    historians should come together to discuss the issue and Turkey is
    ready to share its documents... [news agency ellipsis] If this bill is
    not withdrawn, there will be difficulties in Turkey's adjustment to
    EU," Yakis said.

    Noting that the flights between Yerevan and Istanbul started and there
    were also plans to start flights between Antalya and Yerevan, Yakis
    said that Turkey couldn't see such positive steps from Armenia.

    "Armenia should give up its claims on Turkish territory"

    "Now Armenia asks us to open our borders unilaterally; we are not also
    against it, but they describe eastern cities of Van, Kars and Erzurum
    as 'Western Armenia'. First of all, Armenia should give up its claims
    on Turkish territory," said Yakis.

    Stressing that the incidents that took place in 1915 could not be
    described as genocide, Yakis said that "if this was true, the
    Armenians living in Istanbul would have been killed. We are ready to
    face our history, but we can't accept baseless claims."

    Yakis remarked that the Turkish parliamentary commission both aimed to
    improve cooperation with German parties and institutions and also
    overcome the worries of the CDU politicians who were against Turkey's
    EU membership. "We all see German politicians as friends of Turkey,"
    he said.

    Ocalan retrial

    When asked what he thought about retrial of Abdullah Ocalan, the head
    of the terrorist organization PKK, Yakis commented that "we are not
    against his retrial, he has such a right, but as the evidence has not
    changed, he will get the same punishment again."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress