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Soviet Legends: The Tale of Vyacheslav Lemeshev - Part 1

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  • Soviet Legends: The Tale of Vyacheslav Lemeshev - Part 1

    EastSide Boxing
    April 13 2005

    Soviet Legends: The Tale of Vyacheslav Lemeshev - Part 1

    13.04.05 - By Izyaslav `Slava' Koza and Andrei `The Shark' Nikolaev:
    Unfortunately, human memory cannot compete with a good photograph or
    video on which we record the most wonderful moments of our lives.
    That is why when we read about some obscure Olympic boxer or athlete,
    we open our mouth and say `Yeah, he was some guy......,' and move on with
    our business and our lives. Today, we ask everybody to take a moment
    and think and read about a 20 year old boxer, with a funny looking
    mustache, seen in photographs in so many Russian and Soviet
    newspapers, who although gone from our lives, unquestionably deserves
    a moment of your time.

    Vyacheslav Ivanovich Lemeshev

    It is sad to think that we cannot ask the hero of this article
    anything about his career anymore. Vyacheslav Lemeshev, Olympic
    champion of the 1972 Munich games, left us nine years ago on January
    27, 1996. However, we still have the thoughts and memories of his
    friends, former teammates, and his wife Zinaida, as well as articles
    from newspapers, aiding us in remembering who he was and what he
    meant to the world of boxing. His four gold medals, claimed on the
    Olympic, European and Soviet rings, as well as endless numbers of
    trophies, prizes, and awards for boxing, remind us what he was able
    to accomplish in his abruptly shortened life. There is a hope among
    his fans, boxing writers and other boxers themselves, that somewhere
    in an old dusty archive room, there exists a collection of videos
    that have captured his most memorable victories at the Olympics, the
    European championships, as well as boxing meets between the United
    States and the Soviet Union. Tapes that show his dominance over
    future professional champions like Marvin Johnson and the legendary
    Micheal Spinks.

    It would mean so much to so many to one day turn on the TV and see a
    boxing documentary about V. Lemeshev with footage of his bouts.

    However, until such a day, the only things we have to go on in
    remembering the youngest Soviet Olympic champion, and two time
    European champion, are old newspaper cutouts, interviews with people
    who knew him, and information from books that don't know whether they
    want to talk about Vyacheslav or some other unrelated and unimportant

    Vyacheslav's friend, and first Soviet champion of the World (1974),
    lightweight Vasili Anatolivich Solomin (now deceased):

    "Lemeshev's manner of fighting was impossible to compare to anybody
    else's. None of his opponents could understand anything. Everyone
    knew he would finish with his right, and still nobody could avoid
    getting hit by it."

    This was not surprising. Vyacheslav's second trainer, Armenian, Yuri
    Radonyak, remembers that on the Senior National team, there was
    constant testing done on the initial speed of a punch. Lemeshev's
    punch was always the fastest. That is why the speed and strength of
    Lemeshev's right hand allowed him to overcome any attack his opponent
    threw at him, often sending the hapless victim to the ring apron in
    short order.

    In 1966, at the Moscow city championships, 14 year old Slava Lemeshev
    didn't only win the tournament in his section, taking the prize for
    best technical boxer, but gained the attention of Wladimir Kon'kov,
    Internationational referee, and trainer of the legendary European
    champ Victor Ageev. Even before the result was announced, Kon'kov
    nodded towards Slava, and said to his future trainer Lev Segalovich:
    `That is a future Olympic champion.'

    Nikolai Puchkov, candidate of Master of sports in boxing,
    International judge, and Sports commentator, remembers:

    "Slava almost never jabbed. He was not really powerful; Just tall and
    lean, and often worked on countering. He didn't like to train
    seriously and that is why he didn't have enough stamina, it seemed.
    Often, he is losing a fight, time is running out, his opponent,
    feeling victory at his fingertips, relaxes a bit, lowers his hands a
    bit, and BAM! He used to estimate distance flawlessly! His opponent
    confused, tries again, and this time its over! What always amazed me
    was that after his counter right landed, Slavik never even looked to
    see what happened, and walked away to his corner. He was always sure
    of the result."

    After two years, 16 year old Lemeshev again takes first place and
    prize for the best technicals skills at the Spartak Junior
    Championships in Yerevan (Armenia). In 1970, at the European Junior
    Championships, the great 3 time Olympic champion Laslo Papp, speaking
    about Lemeshev after his protégé was defeated by him, stated, `This
    kid has a bright future.' At that time, Vycheslav was the first
    winner of the Emil Gremo Cup (formerly the European cup), named after
    the former president of the International Assocation of Amateur
    boxing, and awarded to the best boxer of the tournament. Lemeshev
    captured this honor a second time in 1972 in Belgrade, before
    stepping up to go to the Olympics. In April of 1972, he was only 20
    years old and in August he was already at the Olympics.

    Try to imagine yourself at the age of 20 and already among the
    greatest amateur fighters in the world, and right before your first
    match you have a high fever. These obstacles had little affect on the
    young Lemeshev, who dismissed the idea of being taken out of the
    competition, and they also didn't save an Indonesian kid by the name
    of Gomez from being knocked out in the first round. In dealing with
    his limited victim, it was as if Slava was dispatching with the fever
    that was preventing him from attaining this, the highest of amateur
    successes. The rest of the tournament went like this: The German,
    Brauske was able to withstand all three rounds and was sent home with
    the score of 60-54. While the Turk, Kuran and old friend Marvin
    Johnson, were each taken out in the second. In the final, Finn Reima
    Virtanen was knocked out after two minutes and 17 seconds of the
    first round. Vyacheslav Lemeshev was now an Olympic Gold medallist.

    Puchkov: "Slava had many serious opponents. For instance the Finn
    Virtanen was tough, nobody even pretended Slava could win, but he
    went ahead and did it anway.'

    For Slava this was a triumph. Just imagine what is to win an Olympic
    gold medal at 20?

    In June of 1973, competing in the European championships in Belgrade,
    Slava seriously damaged his powerful right hand. A few years later,
    he remembered the ordeal with a smile on his face: "I couldn't just
    get used to the pain, but hey, different things like that happen.
    Somehow, I fought with the broken hand. They jabbed at it with
    needles from all angles, and I went for the check up before the
    fight. So the official is examining me and carefully pressing on my
    bones and wrist. Just imagine me standing there with a mallet instead
    of a fist. I had no clue as to how I will force it into the glove. So
    the official is telling me `You can't go out like that.' I say `Don't
    worry about it, I'm fine, its nothing,' and smile from ear to ear. So
    he starts to examine the mallet, and from one of the places where
    they gave me a shot, a stream of liquid hits him straight in the
    face. All I could do was smile again. He gently lowers my arm, and
    says "It's ok," but doesn't look me in the face.'

    So Slava had to defend his hand until the final, and practically
    fight with only his left,against the previous year's silver medallist
    and future Olympic bronze medallist at the Montreal games, Romanian,
    Alex Nestak. However, if he was able to get to the final without any
    real hardships, the fight with the Romanian changed all that, and
    forced Vycheslav to show his true character. After getting knocked
    down in the first, Vycheslav didn't let himself falter, and found his
    wits, timed his opponent and let loose with a single, crowning,
    signature counter, with his broken hand. He didn't have to do more-
    it was a knockout.

    In March of 1974, in Izhevsk at the USSR championships, Vycheslav
    competed in the category under 81 kilograms and took the gold, but
    after jumping back down to his original weight, took on a very
    awkward opponent in Rufat Riskiev from Tashkent (Uzbekistan).
    Lemeshev lost to him in the final, but nevertheless, it was him and
    not Risakev who would be competing at the world championships in
    Katovtzi, Poland. There, 23 year old, Vycheslav took another gold
    medal, in the final defeating a German by the name of Vittenburg.
    However, regardless of this victory, this is about the time where he
    started to decline as a boxer. In the internal boxing tournaments of
    the USSR, Vycheslav could not get past Riskiev, who won the
    Tournament of Nations in the USSR, and was basically champion from
    1971 onwards, even though he was the one, and not the junior
    Lemeshev, who the soviet trainers did not take to the Olympics. Now
    was Riskiev's time, two years in a row, winning at the USSR
    championships in 1975 and 1976, and with them a place on the National
    team, knocking out the European champ Lemeshev.

    Aleksander Vasushkin: `You know what kind of sparring sessions he was
    having at the time? Sometimes he was dragged out of the ring by his
    hands and feet. When he and Riskiev sparred, Rufat used to knock him
    around so hard they used to drag him out unconscious. He was getting
    hit with a lot of punches at that time.'

    Nevertheless, as with every great fighter, there was one great fight
    left deep down within him. In the USSR-USA Match Meet, Vycheslav beat
    American Micheal Spinks, thus claiming his final real achievement. He
    lost the USSR championships in March of that year, only taking third,
    and in June, Riskiev was the one flying to Montreal. He fought
    magnificently, but fate is inescapable, as the same Micheal Spinks,
    denied Riskiev the gold in the final. What could have been is a long
    debate and one without a single answer, but the truth is Vycheslav
    could not find his way back to the national team. It was then, at 24,
    that Vycheslav is rumored to have started drinking, but who knows
    which rumors are true and which story tellers have it right?

    In 1978 at the USSR championships in Tbilisi (Georgia), Vycheslav
    lost his very first fight.

    Vasili Solomin: `I lived in the same room with him, and I knew that
    before that tournament he was sick or poisoned. Usually before a
    tournament, he would have to drop some weight, but this time there
    was no need, he weighed only 72 kg. Instead of the 75 kg. I told
    Radonyak, the trainer, `Take him out,' and he went and asked Slava if
    he should remove him, but Slava didn't want to hear of it. We
    wouldn't have even asked another boxer; we would just take him out
    and that's it. Vycheslav was an Olympic champion, however, a European
    champ, and the trainers believed in him. What if everything turns out
    fine, and he forces his way out of this situation? However, that all
    evaporated, when his opponent hit him so hard that he spun around
    like a top. He was not even a shadow of his former self, green, and
    weak. They stopped it in the second round. It was a hard thing to
    watch. It was painful to look at Slava.'

    TO Be Concluded.............