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BAKU: MPs condemn OSCE PA Vice-President's statement

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  • BAKU: MPs condemn OSCE PA Vice-President's statement

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    April 13 2005

    MPs condemn OSCE PA Vice-President's statement

    Baku, April 12, AssA-Irada
    MPs condemned the recent statement by Tanish Kaminish, Vice-President
    of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA), in a Tuesday meeting of the
    Milli Majlis (parliament).
    Speaking of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Upper Garabagh in an
    international conference held in Athens, Kaminish stated that there
    are 300,000 refugees in Armenia. However, he did not mention the
    occupation of 20% of Azerbaijani territory and over one million
    refugees and displaced persons.
    MP Asaf Hajiyev, who attended the conference, organized by the Greek
    parliament and the Black Sea International Research Center, proposed
    that the parliament express its position on the Vice-President's
    statement and send a letter to the OSCE PA.
    `Besides, the Azerbaijani delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Council of Europe should ask for permission to raise the issue on
    Kaminish's statement in the next meeting of the Assembly', he said.
    Parliament Speaker Murtuz Alasgarov approved of Hajiyev's proposal,
    noting that the OSCE has not given a political assessment to the
    Upper Garabagh conflict yet.
    `The OSCE has always approached Azerbaijan with a double standard,'
    Alasgarov said.*