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Project Harmony Celebrates Global Youth Service Day

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  • Project Harmony Celebrates Global Youth Service Day


    YEREVAN, APRIL 13. ARMINFO. Project Harmony-Armenia, together with
    organizations from more than 100 countries around the world, is
    planning community service projects and special events to celebrate
    the 6th Annual Global Youth Service Day, which will take place from
    15-17 April 2004.

    Project Harmony Office in Yerevan informs ARMINFO that Global Youth
    Service Day (GYSD) is an annual global event led by Youth Service
    America with the Global Youth Action Network as its key partner,
    together with a consortium of 34 International Organizations and more
    than 150 National Coordinating Committees. It is a public education
    campaign that highlights the amazing contributions made by youth
    year-round to their communities through volunteering. Since GYSD
    started, a number of international organizations have joined Youth
    Service America and Global Youth Action Network to expand this
    program, including Inter-American Development Bank, Youth Employment
    Summit, IEARN, Service for Peace and others. One of the major events
    taking place in the framework of GYSD is the visit to Nork elderly
    house. On April 15 students from Yerevan school

    131 will prepare PowerPoint presentation on London and together with
    grannies will create a "Virtual Tour" to the capital of Great
    Britain. On the same day young artists from "Tsitsernak" NGO will
    make a visit to the same elderly house to give a small performance of
    singing and dancing. Similar visits to the elderly houses will be
    organized in other regions of Armenia.

    Some other interesting events, such as the human rights seminar for
    disabled children in Lori region, visiting the Second World War
    veterans in Vayots Dzor region, and the Gavar orphanage children's
    visit to the ICC will be implemented under GYSD. In addition, all
    Internet Computer Centers (ICCs) created through the Armenia School
    Connectivity Program in all eleven regions of Armenia will provide
    the local community with free service by organizing an open doors day
    on April 16 and 17. During these hours the site staff and students
    will promote the ICC to the community and will help visitors use ICC
    resources. At the same time, a community service project will be
    organized by each ICC, which will include the cleaning of school
    grounds and neighboring parks, tree planting, and other projects. In
    Yerevan, on April 16 all schools will participate in the City
    subbotnik (cleaning day) organized by the Yerevan municipality.

    Project Harmony builds strong communities by fostering civic
    leadership, harnessing Internet technology and facilitating
    cross-cultural experiential learning. Project Harmony was founded in
    Vermont in 1985 as a grass-roots exchange organization for Soviet and
    American high schools. Today, Project Harmony has 13 offices
    worldwide. In its 20-year history, Project Harmony has facilitated
    educational, professional, cultural, and community-based programs
    involving hundreds of families and individuals.